Brave New World

Dream Healer

Dec 25, 2002
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Well, this is in my opinion, the most controversial Maiden album to date. Yes, more controversial than fellow fan-proclaimed disasters that are 90s records. Brave New World did not promise us the best Maiden album to date, but it did promise 1 thing, and I believe it did achieve it – the return of the Old Maiden. Again, that is what the fans wanted. But the most criticisms come that the album does not offer much new ideas. Well, to those people I say make up your minds as to what you want. Anyway. The problems with the album are as follow, the general slow beginning that basically spoils the fun out of the otherwise cool tracks, the production by Shirley is sub par and finally the general length of the songs. The songs are still songs, and Brave New World offered at least 5 very, very solid tracks worthy of the glorious Maiden namesake.

1. The Wicker Man – The first released single from the much awaited reunion starts off this album with a great fast pace and very a catchy tune. Best Maiden song in 12 years. Of course much could be said about Wicker Man being a rip-off from the ’78 Priest song. But myself aside from the first notes, I do not think it really makes that much of a problem. What does is the production. I mean where the hell is Nicko’s glorious right foot?! It sounds so mute and the fast pace of the bass drum on the chorus has no effect, since it is virtually silent. This has been corrected live, however, it is a bit too late, since the original really suffers from it. 9.5/10
2. Ghost Of The Navigator – First things first. The progressive beginning. I honestly have no problem with whatsoever. And generally I do not have a single issue with the song except the general speed of the song, (that should have been recorded just as fast as on Rock In Rio), lack of guitar, bass power. And Nicko’s BASS!! :mad: And I really like the way the song works. However, there is absolutely nothing special about this song whatsoever, and this is perhaps one huge problem with Brave New World as a whole. 7.5/10
3. Brave New World – The terrific title track. I simply love the song, but could just as easily see why many do not give this track its fully deserved justice. Repetitive lyrics.. (In a brave new … ) and the again progressive intro. But I honestly think this adds to the song very well as it is the best progressive song from Maiden since Fear Of The Dark. The lyrics as well do a great job in setting the mood. But again, this track works much better live. As there is so much power and much more speed on it live. Production on the album version.. Ill just leave it at that. 9/10
4. Blood Brothers – This is clearly the most original and special song from the album. However, again there is a lack of strength from guitars and bass guitars. The lyrics are good for the most part. And the drumming is good aside from the lousy sound and general production. This also seems to be the most popular song among the people who like the album. Mr. Janick Gers of course has his moment here as well. 9/10
5. The Mercenary – Here we go.. This is precisely the point where the album goes to ape shit. This was Gers’ pathetic attempt to recapture the energy of Futureal, however his attempt is about 1/100 is as good as the original. The lyrics blow as well, with the bullshit SHOW THEM, SHOW THEM, SHOW THEM.. I honestly can not take it, and just wish Bruce would shut the fuck up with those words! This song is honestly embarrassing, and how the fuck did it made on the set list for the tour is beyond me. :hurl: 3/10
6. Dream Of Mirrors – What does this epic prove? Well it is certainly a great song. No ifs or buts. But it just again nothing special, as it just seems to lack the soul a song needs to become a classic, the lyrics again, Steve is running out of ideas, so the Dream Is True. But this is nowhere as pathetic as the Mercenary. Nicko’s drumming sounds cool on the speed blast part. And the OH..OH..OH..OH! Part sounds cool, so why not just do that all the time, instead of repeteating the lyrics over and over.. anywho. Good track. Nothing spectacular. 7.0/10
7. Fallen Angel – The most unmaiden song along with The Wicker Man on this album. But I think it kicks ass, aside from Bruce’s voice. :eyes: I do not know what happened to him on this one, it just does not seem like him. And of course this is the second installment of the most energetic and heaviest song on this album and obviously it is co-written by Mr. H (as well as Wicker Man). This brings my next question. Why Janick on 4 tracks and H on 2.. :rolleyes: Why the fuck bother bringing Adrian back if you not going to give him the full freedom of song writing, H along with Bruce kick total ass as far as the songwriting goes, and not using them is a total absurd. Whatever. This shit better be corrected by next album. 8.5/10
8. The Nomad – Oh Dear God. Why on earth .. nevermind.. 1/10
9. Out Of The Silent Planet – Tied for my best track on the album along with Wicker Man. This song is ironically written by Janick, who I believe achieved his golden hour. Blah blah blah. The song has a totally gay intro. Unbearable. This keeps it from being a complete powerhouse. This was however corrected in a single. And why not use the single version here, and not play this song live is another question we will never get the answer for. The repetitiveness plays another role here, but I actually think it adds a sweet deal to the song that sounds totally cool at the blast pace set by Mr. McBrain’s right foot, how he does it I do not know :metal: . Great stuff all along. 9.5/10
10. The Thin Line Between Love & Hate – So the album comes to conclusion. I honestly hated, despised and barfed every time I heard this song. But on one pleasant day it grabbed me by the throat and said Like Me, or Die. So Ive been at that ever since. What exactly do I like? I have no idea. What I do not like, to be honest nothing either. But this song is just so strange, and is as much progress as Maiden made in the past 12 years in their progressive songwriting. But I think the song was a bit rushed and somewhat mismatched with the theme and lyrics, that just sound strange coming from Bruce’s glorious throat. Good stuff as well in this one. 8/10

So the end of the hour and 7 minutes of the reunion comes to an end. What can I say to those who do not like/hate/squiggle when they hear this album – I know why you feel this way. To those that absolutely love the album – you are just n00bz. And to those who are like me, like the album to the above average extent (by the way if you are wondering the average score of the album by songs was 7.2 – and it is exactly how I feel about it) I think we are the truest of all in our decision making about this album. Brave New World is as was said before by a reviewer “Is neither Brave or New.” This I agree with, but I also quite enjoy and like this album and would easily rate it on par with Fear Of The Dark as Maiden’s 7th or 8th best album.

It is an album that appeals to those who are in the right mood to listen to it and understand it (at least 8/10s of it). You have to first of all set aside the hype about the reunion, as after all, Maiden are just humans. (This however will not be my position on the next album, which better be a fucking good one cuz I waited long enough.)
I largely agree.Especially about the lyrics.Although I think the music is for the most part of equal quality,or at least close to,seventh son of a seventh son etc the lyrics are bland.
I like every song on the album with the exception of The Wicker Man and Dream of Mirrors, both of which I find bland and overrated. Ghost of the Navigator is a beautiful song.
Brave New World is an amazing album. might even be as good as their older stuff, i need to listen to it some more.
BNW is not a groundbreaking album like The Number of the Beast or Powerslave , but is a very good album and shows that Iron Maiden have a big future.
My rate 8.5 /10
Brave New World isn't progressive.. It's stupid.

Attaching unnecessary slow/acoustic intros or midsections to songs does not automatically render them as progressive - it makes them longer, gay, boring, repetitive, predictable.. hence - stupid.

Yet strangely , I agree with your song ratings and overall opinion of the album.. /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif
I for one have just got into this style of music, when I first started out in metal it was strictly death, thrash and black. Untill about 7 months ago I coudn't stand power metal or anything of the sort ie (higher pitched vocals) This is actually my first Maiden album and I enjoy it a whole lot. Yes I am a noob or whatever in the Maiden world, but I would like some feed back on the other albums if possible because I have come into a new appreciation for them and many other bands I have never enjoyed (Nevermore, Blind Guardian, Nocturnal Rites etc..)
The long intros are redundant. I mean they almost sound cheesy.
Harris needs some new ideas. His bass tone at times is deplorable when he plays those chordal intros.
The fast metal in Ghost is great, it sounds like Metal Church instead of the incessant gallop.
If Harris could rediscover some more straight sixteenth notes as the original version of Hallowed Be Thy Name shows we might have a smoother cooler Maiden.
I would give Harris a listening lesson in playing music in other keys and other rhythms. He is a supremely gifted musician but needs to break out of the mould.
He is stuck so bad it is becoming sad. And also let Smith write some more tunes if not all of them.
And that fucking clicky bass sound. Does anyone like it. It was not like this on Killers, Number or Powerslave. Somewhere In Time had profund moments but Steve I know you can do better then recycle endless Eminor harmonies.