
Jan 13, 2006
Almost every metal fan needs a break from metal. Thus my break is interpols antics. This albums is a masterpieace. This honestly will make you wanna pick up a guitar and krak up the reverb on your amp and play along.

The band can be discribed as shoegaze. The mood is at most times somber,dark but at times happy.

1. Next Exit-crap 0/10

2. Evil 8/10-a cool track that is bass driven. The song is good but does not fit with the rest of the album.

3. Narc 10/10-GREAT GREAT SONG. Shows why this band is so great. The guitar is the main factor. Paul(lead singer)'s vocals and lyrics make this song personal.

4. Take You On A Cruise 7/10-In the same vibe as narc soft shoegaze rock. Simple but still stays in the somber mood

5. Slow Hands 6/10-I have heard this to many times that i really dont like it much. Sounds alot like evil

6. Not Even Jail 7/10-A song that you drift into.Lyrics are subpar and arnt as poetic as the rest of the album.

7. Public Pervert 10/10-Dont let the name make you turn away from this song. Lyrics will amaze you. The song writing will blow you away. I can honestly say this song is one of teh best songs ever.

8. C'mere 10/10-The "happy" song of this album. The love song and the only song to feature a bright guitar tone.

9. Length Of Love 6.5-The guitar is anyyoing so its hard to listion to.

10. A Time To Be So Small 9.5-The last song is a slow song about falling for love with someone who is in love with an asshole. Great song. VERY VERY slow though that its hard to pass thourgh.

overall-In the vien of joy divison. A must buy for anyone open minded. Honestly amazing album.

Review was stupid, but this album is anything but. Hearing this album helped me get into the rock scene from my humble beginnings. I give it a 9/10, a point being lost because Paul's voice gets a bit grating at some points, especially in the opening track. "C'Mere" is a fucking classic, though. :kickass: