Bravewords Wrap-Up

Heavenly Call said:
Just 'cause Glenn got them at PP1 (and I was well aware of that....dude) doesn't mean they wouldn't make a great addition to another progpower...especially with their new album sounding like it does. I had their EP that they were giving out at last years prog power but had no idea how good they were live, dude.
ok, just checking :)

Hey, try to get along! There's no competition between the organizers of the two events, so as the potential audience for either, please support BOTH shows as much as possible. I understand that finances often dictate attending only one, or the other (as do personal tastes), but don't hesitate to buy a shirt online, or have someone else do it for you at the show.

I've explained this before, Glenn and myself have become friendly over the years, what with me having attended every one of his events (even interviewing him in the kitchen of JJ Kelley's, at PPI) and reviewing each show in BW&BK and/or Metal Maniacs. When Nightwish (with whom I've been friendly since '01) was unable to debut at the first BW&BK show, I told management ProgPower was the only logical choice (they had an offer for Milwaukee Metalfest, prior to Glenn's show, can you imagine? Think they'd ever be back to North America?) While we don't have a written "non-compete" clause, the two shows definitely try to help each other out, especially by not booking the same act. Brainstorm was an unfortunate coincidence this year (as friends of the mag, we'd been in discussion a year earlier, but Glenn's offer to them actually came first, and with more $ attached). When we approached Tad Morose (earlier this year, prior to PP5 line-up announcement), only to learn they were already going to play PP5, we backed off. Sure, we could have stolen some of the thunder, but why? There are so few GOOD bands around, that deserve ALL our support, why try to dick over the few good people in the biz? While I don't wish to speak for Glenn, I'm pretty sure he'll agree.

See you all in Atlanta, again, and hope to see more of you at BW&BK III, as well. Enjoy the music!

Mark Gromen
Check out this Friday the 11th for some Live footage from the fantastic BW&BK fest along with a review and plenty of pics. Hopefully we will see a third Brave Words fest, with only two years under their belts, the lineup for both was great. No complaints here, lets just get Running Wild and Stratovarius here next year at BW&Bk or Progpower.
MGromen said:
Hey, try to get along! There's no competition between the organizers of the two events, so as the potential audience for either, please support BOTH shows as much as possible. I understand that finances often dictate attending only one, or the other (as do personal tastes), but don't hesitate to buy a shirt online, or have someone else do it for you at the show.

I've explained this before, Glenn and myself have become friendly over the years, what with me having attended every one of his events (even interviewing him in the kitchen of JJ Kelley's, at PPI) and reviewing each show in BW&BK and/or Metal Maniacs. When Nightwish (with whom I've been friendly since '01) was unable to debut at the first BW&BK show, I told management ProgPower was the only logical choice (they had an offer for Milwaukee Metalfest, prior to Glenn's show, can you imagine? Think they'd ever be back to North America?) While we don't have a written "non-compete" clause, the two shows definitely try to help each other out, especially by not booking the same act. Brainstorm was an unfortunate coincidence this year (as friends of the mag, we'd been in discussion a year earlier, but Glenn's offer to them actually came first, and with more $ attached). When we approached Tad Morose (earlier this year, prior to PP5 line-up announcement), only to learn they were already going to play PP5, we backed off. Sure, we could have stolen some of the thunder, but why? There are so few GOOD bands around, that deserve ALL our support, why try to dick over the few good people in the biz? While I don't wish to speak for Glenn, I'm pretty sure he'll agree.

See you all in Atlanta, again, and hope to see more of you at BW&BK III, as well. Enjoy the music!

Mark Gromen
Amen, Mark! Well said!
MGromen said:
Hey, try to get along! There's no competition between the organizers of the two events, so as the potential audience for either, please support BOTH shows as much as possible. I understand that finances often dictate attending only one, or the other (as do personal tastes), but don't hesitate to buy a shirt online, or have someone else do it for you at the show.

I've explained this before, Glenn and myself have become friendly over the years, what with me having attended every one of his events (even interviewing him in the kitchen of JJ Kelley's, at PPI) and reviewing each show in BW&BK and/or Metal Maniacs. When Nightwish (with whom I've been friendly since '01) was unable to debut at the first BW&BK show, I told management ProgPower was the only logical choice (they had an offer for Milwaukee Metalfest, prior to Glenn's show, can you imagine? Think they'd ever be back to North America?) While we don't have a written "non-compete" clause, the two shows definitely try to help each other out, especially by not booking the same act. Brainstorm was an unfortunate coincidence this year (as friends of the mag, we'd been in discussion a year earlier, but Glenn's offer to them actually came first, and with more $ attached). When we approached Tad Morose (earlier this year, prior to PP5 line-up announcement), only to learn they were already going to play PP5, we backed off. Sure, we could have stolen some of the thunder, but why? There are so few GOOD bands around, that deserve ALL our support, why try to dick over the few good people in the biz? While I don't wish to speak for Glenn, I'm pretty sure he'll agree.

See you all in Atlanta, again, and hope to see more of you at BW&BK III, as well. Enjoy the music!

Mark Gromen

You know we'll be there next year and every year to come. It's such a letdown to come home after the BWBK events! Wish the "permanent" autographs would wear off my back quicker though :heh:
See you in Atlanta!
Just 'cause Glenn got them at PP1 (and I was well aware of that....dude) doesn't mean they wouldn't make a great addition to another progpower...especially with their new album sounding like it does. I had their EP that they were giving out at last years prog power but had no idea how good they were live, dude.

Word. :Spin:

Ion Vein= Great Chicago prog metal band with an excellent new release, "Reigning Memories". They are great on disc, and even BETTER live!! I agree, they should be playing PP in some sort of form.
As far as Running Wild goes I have heard from several people in the business money isn't the biggest issue although it is an issue. The big issue is they want to bring over their huge stage set and do this big thing and probably don't realize what small clubs they are gonna play in. I hope it eventually happens though and I think BWBK is a great possibility. The only band I have heard that asks for ridiculous amounts of money is Rhapsody. They are the underground metal equivelent of KISS minus all the merch and such haha. Once Rhapsody gets big watch out, there will be Rhapsody toilets, toothbrushes, dildos, and thongs, haha.
Day two kicked off in a very happening way with the band Ion Vein. They are easily the best band I have ever seen in concert as far as bands go that I know not a thing about and they impress me with their first live show. They were so good with a perfect blend of prog and power and kicked some major ass. They are from Chicago and sound like a very promising band for me. Can't wait to get the album from these guys.

Next up was suppose to be Dreams Of Damnation but supposedly they had a huge fight at their hotel that required police to break up. One band member called in quits and flew out of Cleveland Saturday morning and the rest of the band did not want to go on playing. This gave the rest of the bands more time to play and it made Brainstorm next!

Brainstorm are quickly becoming one of my favorite bands. This was their first ever show in America much like Grave Digger and suprisingly so early on in the night they had an amazing fan base in attendance. They played songs from all their albums. The ones I was most familair with were the ones off the latest release Soul Temptation though I recognized "Blind Suffering" from Metus Mortis. "Doorway to Survive" was flawless. "Shiva's Tears", "The Leading", and "Highs Without Lows" were just as incredible. The band had a blast and could not believe how many people were there for them. Andy B Franck the front man was an amazing guy. I was fornt row for Brainstorm and slapped hands with him many times throughout the set.

The legendary thrashers Flotsam and Jetsam were next and they just dominated. Eric A.K. was in perfect form. Hitting all his trade mark screams and kicking ass as if they were on tour for Doomsday for the Deceiver. The band looked to be having alot of fun on stage and were really into the crowd like the crowd was into them. The only band of the weekend to have an actual pit during their set. The fans were eating up the old school thrash and having a ball. Highlites were "Doomsday For The Deceiver", "Escape From Within", and "Hammerhead". I hope these guys go on tour soon I really wanna see them again.

Shok Paris was up and they were pretty good. I expected them to just be another glam metal band but they are like glam metal on steroids. They don't have the glam look but the music has the spirit but heavier. Kind of like Skid Row but with a different vocal approach. It was a fun set and the music was enjoyable. Cool guys and I may go back and check out their first two albums that are being reissued soon.

Dismember was next and I was almost positive I wasn't gonna like them but boy was I wrong. Don't get me wrong I like death metal just not all types. I am into bands like Morbid Angel, Obituary, Arch Enemy, older In Flames, Death, Decapitated and Carcass. These guys blew me away. The tightness of the band is what really stuck out to me and you can really hear some classic metal being played throughout their songs. A song or two even had an heavier Iron Maiden playing sound to it with the death vocals. I really liked these guys alot and I plan on getting the latest album "Where Iron Crosses Grow".

Primal Fear, today's answer to Judas Priest was next and one of the most anticipated bands of the fest. They already have a huge fan base in America having played several festivals here and being part of the short lived Metal Gods tour last year.. The crowd went absolutely sick for them as did I. The new material especially sounded great. "Suicide and Mania", "Visions Of Fate", and "Colony 13" shined the brightest on the new stuff. The classic stuff ruled as well. They went to perform one final sound after "Colony 13" but festival organizer Mark Groman was forced to pull the plug on them as they were gonna be going up against the 2am curfew and Metal Church needed to play. The crowd was upset but not holding it against Groman because the curfew is very reasonable and this is the best most professional run festival in America. Try attended a Jersey fest and the bands can be behind by an hour or two.

Metal Church finally took the stage and boy am I glad they are back. Three new members including lead singer Ronnie Monroe from Rottweiller. They had the most fans the entire weekend and played an amazing set of old and new. The stuff off the new album "Weight Of The World" which comes out in July was just incredible. The older stuff like "Gods Of Wrath", "Beyond The Black", and "Watch The Children Pray" was just incredible. Everything metal was brought out in Metal Church. Can't wait till they do a full US tour I will be back to see them and can't wait for the new album.

Overall it was the best weekend of my life becoming a fan of many bands like Shadowkeep, E Force, Doro, Ion Vein, and Dismember and seeing some of my favorites like Seven Witches, Grave Digger, Brainstorm, Flotsam and Jetsam, Primal Fear and Metal Church. It was a blast and I cannot wait for next years.
I went to last year's BWBK, which was well-run and entertaining. However, I thought the sound last year was inconsistant. This year's lineup didn't interest me at all... Vyagra is a great vendor, though.
nightwish58 said:
Any idea as to what they played??? A complete set-list would be nice.

Can't remember exactly but I know they played the following songs
Shiva's Tears
Blind Suffering
Doorway to Survive
Highs Without Lows
The Leading
Hollow Hideaway

And I am pretty sure they played a couple of others but I am not sure what exactly. Hope this helps!! Brainstorm were great!! They should have been much higher on the bill than they were.

I was pissed that Primal Fear got cut short also. Personally I think they should have headlined the festival. But they were great as were Doro, Grave Digger, and Seven Witches. Really enjoyed the festival. Would have been nice if they had food besides chips, peanuts, and popcorn though. Later!!
For Metal Church the next night the floor was packed pretty much 100%. For Katatonia I would say almost half packed. When I left 25% of the floor was covered from the fornt of the stage back and there were still alot more lingering around the vendors that werent leaving so I would say the floor was anywhere between 40 and 50% packed for Katatonia. I would have stayed for them but I was so tired after holding my spot on the guardrail from the end of Shadowkeep all the way to the end of Grave Digger and I was so hungry and so dehydrated I would have never made it through.
Thanks for the info. Again, too bad about people leaving before Katatonia as they are very interesting. I hear your pain about staying in one spot forever as that can be a physically debilitating experience, from dehydration to back & feet pain, not fun stuff.

You know, I don't know why they have these things where the duration of the show is six hours+, and there is next to no seating anywhere. To me, this is just shit. This is an area where Glenn definitely rules over the others, with the seating arrangements in Atlanta. You want to stand, you can stand. You want to sit, you can sit. Perfect!