Brazilian Metal Hordes...


Jul 30, 2002
Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais / Brasil
Hi, I´m new here too. I´m brazilian, 29 years old and I like some bands like Windir, Nokturnal Mortum, Taake, Anaal Nathrak, Arkhon Infaustus ... and inumerous others. Anyone here knows some brazilian bands like Mysteriis, Mythological Cold Towers, Miastenia, Sarcófago?
Originally posted by Profano
Hi, I´m new here too. I´m brazilian, 29 years old and I like some bands like Windir, Nokturnal Mortum, Taake, Anaal Nathrak, Arkhon Infaustus ... and inumerous others. Anyone here knows some brazilian bands like Mysteriis, Mythological Cold Towers, Miastenia, Sarcófago?


I just listened to Mythological Cold Towers yesterday for the first time. The name of the album was "Remoti...." and it was, hmm, interesting. It didn't blow me away, but I only listened to it once. I could tell it was very complex and would take multiple listens to fully get into it. Pretty good though, from what I heard.
I don´t like Ageless Venomous of Krisiun, I think it very technical but very clean, the drums are very fast but artificial. "APOCALYPTIC REVELATION " and "CONQUERORS OF ARMAGEDDON" are most brutal and have more feeling.