Breakdown Bass Drops/Bass Punch's


New Metal Member
Aug 21, 2009
I am about to start recording soon and are looking for some decent bass drops for breakdowns

anyone who knows of alot of metalcore/deathcore bands will know what i'm talking about

if you have any and don't mind parting with them or showing me how to create them i'd be very grateful

thats not bad at all? lay off the crack.
i wasn't going to post this, because I'm all in favour of you making one with a sine wave sweep, but fuck it, here's one that gets used on any mix i do that needs a subdrop DROP.wav

but please, when you use subdrops, at least automate gclip to open up at that moment, because the sound of a huge fucking bass boom causing epic digital clipping isn't a pleasant one.
I always have trouble getting the subdrop to pump the mix enough to not distort. Either I have to have the masterbus compressor doing like 6db or something disgustingsounding all the time or the subdrop distorts or you can't hear it.

Do you guys sidechain a masterbus compressor to the subdrop (just thought of this now) or what, to get it to come through? I tend to have a lot of bass in my mixes cos its kewl, so that may be some of the problem.

There's a plugin I found somewhere that lets you create a subdrop with a few tools to manipulate it (start with a midi note so you can tune it, then you can set it to stay constant pitch or decrease, length, initial attack, etc. its quite good).
yeah, s'all about the headroom
it's not about creating half a second of EPIC pumping (although i sort of like that when done right,) it's more about the fact that deep, clean bass sounds heavy. the best use of subdrops ive heard is when shit stays nice and clean.
just turn all your shit down, put your subdrop into the mix, turn it up or down so its at the right volume and do nothing else to it.
no probs, apolagies for the shitty tone of my first 2 posts in this topic, but if youd have taken 2 minutes to do a search, you would have found plenty of shit to read about.
just keep in mind to use the search function because chances are the question you want to ask has already been answered multiple times.
hey i basically learned some automation that so i didnt really use gclip or any limiter for the 808 file.

for the 808 file i think i just added a high pass at 60hz
no probs, apolagies for the shitty tone of my first 2 posts in this topic, but if youd have taken 2 minutes to do a search, you would have found plenty of shit to read about.
just keep in mind to use the search function because chances are the question you want to ask has already been answered multiple times.

i actually did search before making it, but they were old posts and i thought i could get some more fresh info and insight - and i did, cheers.
Did you really think that the usage and making of subdrops was really going to be changed even in the slightest over the last year?
Come the fuck on man
i tell kids bass drops are retarded but if they MUSTTT have them, i take the entire finished master project and the very final final step i do is bass drops, and the reason being is that i re-import the finished master .wav onto it's own track in a new project, create a second track for bass drops, and then bounce again. this is because i want the bassdrops to go around the master bus, and i'm sure reaper's routing functionality can do this one way or another...maybe...but this is just the crude and cumbersome way of doing it that i have employed in the past. sounds perfect. no pumping, no fart, sounds exactly the way you want it too. limiters always freak out when you smack them with a bassdrop and the result is what sounds like the cone of the speaker shredding right in front of you. awful. gutwrenching, even.

everytime this thread pops up i believe it's necessary to quote andy:

"bassdrops are gay! JUST SAY NO!"