
no worries here Duncan I dont know how to put an album on the internet and now claires got it I wont see it for a while..and shes not likely to wanna put it on the internet.
french_anatheman said:
j'espère que ca sonne pas comme du Radiohead Arnaud...tu joues dessus toi?

Nan c'est Duncan qui a fait la basse sur l'album, je m'occupe de la basse en live. Ca sonne pas comme du Radiohead mais c'est pas du metal hein ! :D
ikeaboy said:


hey thanks. i was away from the old continent the last 2 weeks so couldnt reply before but anyway thanks for the e-support. spoke to alex (The Singer) two days ago and he said he'll probably be finished with the vocals by the end of the week. now we have to stalk the artwork dude and the album should be out in september hopefully. for what comes to influences its true that we feel closer to the smashing pumpkins and tori amos than to radiohead. not that we dont like radiohead but we didnt grow up listening to them as such like. woah my first e-mass-interview. sound :cool:
cedarbreed said:
Nan c'est Duncan qui a fait la basse sur l'album, je m'occupe de la basse en live. Ca sonne pas comme du Radiohead mais c'est pas du metal hein ! :D
Ah ah ok suis rassuré vais peut-etre m'en commander un alors!:D
Hey, j'écoute pas que du metal moi, j'aime aussi la tarantelle et la pizzica bordel!:hotjump: