You can't possibly imagine how good Burst 'Origo' is . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Unless you've heard it.

This album appeared in numerous year-end lists in Europe, and it's finally available in the US. It's truly a masterpiece.

Some of you will no doubt try to spread your man-love by saying they're just hardcore, but 'Origo' is MILES beyond 'Prey On Life'.

This album is the 'Prey On Life' what 'Oceanic' was to 'Celestial'. It's pretty much somewhere between Refused 'The Shape of Punk to Come', Isis 'Oceanic', and Opeth. Oh . . . and there are a few parts that smell like Radiohead (that's for you JayKeeley!).

Please begin spreading the man-love or agreeing with how brilliant this album is.

Where The Wave Broke



Those are the first 3 songs. I haven't listened to it enought to figure out which songs are the best. They're all so good, though.
Haven't heard, but have been intrigued. I think it would be best if you upload a sample or tell me where to find one!

Prey on Life showed a lot of promise.
I'll begin the sample uploading process.

NAD: This is only $10 at Willowtip (unless they ran out). So if you're not going to buy it, I feel I must send you a CDR. This is essential for somebody of your honor and dignity. So PM me your address, unless you plan on buying ASAP.
Lemme listen when I get home tonight. Will likely just buy, I'm a lot more likely to listen to a CD than a CD-R. It's like a flat butt v. a nice round butt. Both are still butts, indeed, but one is more inviting.
NADatar said:
Lemme listen when I get home tonight. Will likely just buy, I'm a lot more likely to listen to a CD than a CD-R. It's like a flat butt v. a nice round butt. Both are still butts, indeed, but one is more inviting.

Word. I'm even that way with promos.
somebody sent me an mp3 of the first track off the disc, I wasn't expecting much based on the description.. but after hearing it I was blown away, so checked out the rest, and the whole album is just so freakin' awesome.
The three songs you posted are A-W-E-S-O-M-E and they had left me with the highest hopes of a WTFalbumoftheyearz release. Unfortunately the remaining songs, while still good, tend to move about in redundant circles and lack some more to-the-point songwriting. In addition they owe a little too much to latter-day Opeth for my taste. The last song retrieves a satisfying, raging vibe. "Prey on Life" is a better effort overall, but I think they can do wonders in the direction in which they're headed. They just need to keep the überprogressive thing at bay and focus on what they do best: kicking one's teeth in. 6/10.
This is giving me the feeling of Burnt by the Sun - The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good:

"hey so you dudes are a hardcore band!"
"yeah, what of it?"
"well i mean, it sounds like some other stuff is present as well!"
"yeah, what of it?"