What is the latest CD you acquired, and what are your thoughts on it?

I just got 2 albums...

Porcupine Tree - "Signify"

This is my second Tree purchase after the awesome 2002 release "In Absentia". "Signify" (1996) is much different, and seems to be the logical stepping-stone from the ambient space music of "The Sky Moves Sideways" to the song-oriented prog-rock of "Stupid Dream". Overall, I'm disappointed in it. The song-oriented tracks are good, "Sever" being my favorite from the album. It has a gorgeous multi-tracked harmony chorus. "Dark Matter" is an excellent brooding closer. "Waiting Part 1" is good. There are a few instrumental prog-rock tracks, and some boring tracks consisting nothing of ambient synth textures. It's an ok album. I'm sure I will enjoy "Stupid Dream" and "Lightbulb Sun" much more when I get them, as this seems to be a transitionary album.

Nightingale - "I"

I enjoy this 2000 release much more than the somewhat ponderous "Closing Chronicles". This is a much more song-oriented affair fusing infectious AOR sensibilities with light metal and prog moves. Some of the tracks remind me of updated Kansas, only with Dan's distinctive lower-range voice.
Just got finished listening to Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane
I never heard these guys before, but after listening to this cd i was speechless.. This is some of the best prog i've heard in a while. I haven't heard any of their other albums, but they're all probably just as awesome
Originally posted by deadnight
Just got finished listening to Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane
I never heard these guys before, but after listening to this cd i was speechless.. This is some of the best prog i've heard in a while. I haven't heard any of their other albums, but they're all probably just as awesome

Try "The Perfect Element" next. I was speechless after hearing that album for the first time.
I bought Pagan's Mind - Celestial Entrance after seeing DrumRman's avatar (thanks!). It's uh, insane! I'm kinda torn between The Odyssey and Celestial Entrance regarding my favorite 'metal' of 2k2. :) I'm still speechless, and I'm pretty sure I've been listening to this album for a few days consecutively!
Porcupine Tree - "Stupid Dream"

1999 release... and I LOVE IT! On first listen, this might even be better than "In Absentia"... it's close... much lighter than "In Absentia"... but the poppy, infectious tunes are gorgeous... this is PT's first song-oriented release... very compelling songs... my early favorite is the sparse "Stop Swimming"
Just got it today. Gordian Knot - Emergent the Japanese edition.

Sounds just fantastic!! I love this shit!!

In the last weeks I also got:

*Heavens Cry - Primal Power Addiction - very progressive. Depressing lyrics however :(

*Hourglass - The Journey Into - reminds me of early Ice Age. Damn good album. Thanks for the tip Soul of Ice, you rock :rock:

*Kamelot - Epica SE with bonus track "Snow" - A real masterpiece!! Get it as fast as you can if you like US style Power Metal.

If this is an indication of how 2003 will be it's going to kick my butt big time!!
Originally posted by The Yngster
Was The Perfect Element heavier than RL? Well, not necessarilly heavier, but was it loaded with ballads like RL was?

I think Remedy Lane is heavier than TPE myself...but that was never the issue with a band of as much depth and emotional impact as POS anyway.
PMF: When introducing the song at Nearfest (I wasn't there, but I've seen the video), Steven said it was the saddest in PT's catalog.
Originally posted by Demonspell
PMF: When introducing the song at Nearfest (I wasn't there, but I've seen the video), Steven said it was the saddest in PT's catalog.

I agree, RL has some incredibly sad songs.
Originally posted by crimsun
I agree, RL has some incredibly sad songs.

He was talking about Porcupine Tree, actually :).

Remedy Lane and The Perfect Element trade off almost weekly as my fave Pain of Salvation album, both are simply amazing. One Hour By The Concrete Lake take their turns as fave as well, but on more rare occasions. They have a different sound than the latest 2, but are awesome in their own right. Just look at my sig...
Originally posted by Demonspell

PMF: When introducing the song at Nearfest (I wasn't there, but I've seen the video), Steven said it was the saddest in PT's catalog.

That might be a big reason why I like it so much. Maitland's drumming is beautiful.
Originally posted by Riceloft
He was talking about Porcupine Tree, actually :).


Geez, I really did type RL. I could have sworn I typed "PT." Sheesh, well, maybe I should get some sleep now. :)
Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf

Didn't see that one coming eh? :lol:

It's actually pretty good and trippy as hell. Plus I heard they hate nu-metal and are trying to bury it so that scored some points with me too. :grin:
I just got these recently:

Kamelot - "Epica" This is my favorite Kamelot album. A rich, ornate concept album. Seems to have a slight Conception feel in the vocal melodies. Powerful choruses and a little bit more guitar shred from Youngblood.

Nightingale - "Alive Again" (classic rock styled album... I'm a little disappointed in it... as I expected it to be more in the vein of the awesome "Shadow man"... unfortunately the rest of the album is much slower and lighter)

Karmakanic - "Entering the Spectra" (Flower Kings side project, and I actually like it more than the Flower Kings... it seems heavier and punchier... very well done)

Gordian Knot - "Emergent" (I like this much more than the first Gordian Knot... it's a beautiful, complex and memorable work. One of the best instrumental cd's in my collection)

Enchant - "Wounded"/"Time Lost" (This is a remastered, repackaged release... combining the "Wounded" and "Time Lost" albums. I have had "Wounded" for awhile, but finally got "Time Lost"... now I have 2 copies of "Wounded"... but this was such a great deal... bonus tracks too! "Time Lost" completes my Enchant collection. It is a collection of leftovers from the first 2 Enchant albums, but the material is so good that Enchant considers it to be a real album. Some of the songs are great, while some are obviously leftover material. Nice thing to have though.
I bought two albums on friday

Stratovarius - Elements pt.1, it's quite good, though Timo sings too high on Find Your Own Voice IMO... Papillon must be the weakest song on this album.

Dream Evil - Evilized, I guess there's only one word to describe this... hilarious! :lol: This album makes me feel happy, just like their previous one. *crazy swedes*
3 day's ago I got the Masterplan album.

First I was a bit disapointed. I expected a more progressive album. Also it sounded a bit commercial to my ears.

I am happy however I did not go with my first reaction. This albums kicks ass! The hooks are great! And Lande rules once again!
I bought Children of Bodom's Hate Crew Deathroll last week. It's much better than the previous one, but I think COB is a bit overrated band. Something Wild's still the best, especially Lake Bodom. I can't understand Bodom's success in Finland, they've been 3 weeks in the 1st place in Finnish chart! That's great anyway.