What is the latest CD you acquired, and what are your thoughts on it?

The last album I bought was Journey- Frontiers. Cheesy 80`s neo-prog, but I`m quite okay with that sort of thing. Many good songs, and Steve Perrys voice is great. Underrated band.
The last CD I got was The Odyssey, which I think we all know about... GREAT!!!

Prior to that I got Disturbed's new one, "Believe". I really liked their first album which is power metal but definitely catchy with a hint of musicianship thrown in. This new one has some good tracks but it doesn't have the energy the first album had. For some reason the singer decides to go to his mellow, almost monastic singing voice in songs that should be (in my opinion) sung with a little rasp or power. He's got one of the most unique voices in music today (when he tears into it) but doesn't use it to full effect here. He's also got a great mellow voice which he uses in the proper place on the last track, which is a very cool song.

Overall I'd say this album is not bad, but not a very strong follow up to their debut. It needs more of the monkey sounds and hacking that made "The Sickness" outstanding.
Sadness Will Prevail by Today is the Day.

It rocks!! With some crazy sounding instrumentals on teh second disc to top it off.
Xen - "84,000 Dharma Doors"
1999 Enchant side-project. All music written by former drummer Paul Craddick. Other Enchant members perform on songs. This is sorta like Enchant... but with a more "modern rock" edge. It's... ok. Not nearly as good as anything Enchant has put out. Kinda reminds me of Geddy Lee's solo album. Glad Enchant didn't pursue this direction.

Porcupine Tree - "Lightbulb Sun"
This album is simply incredible. The last 3 PT albums are all masterpieces. This album has some truly amazing songs... such as "Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled" (which features samples from the leader of the infamous Heaven's Gate cult), the depressing epic "Russia on Ice" and the infectious "Shesmovedon".
Ï got Arena's "Contagion" yesterday and only after a few listens I think it's a real masterpiece! The sound is much heavier than on their previous albums with a more dominant guitar, comparable to the heavier tracks on "Immortal?". Like "The Visitor" it's again a concept album with several rather short tracks, but still very complex and variable. Clive Nolan's keyboard sound might not be everyone's taste, but on "Contagion" it isnt as dominant anymore as it used to be (especially on "The Visitor"). I cant wait for April, withing 4 days I will see both Arena and Symphony X playing live next door to me... :D :D
I picked up Blind Guardian - A Night at the Opera today at the store (being shocked anything like that was actually in). Unfortunately I fucking hate it though.
Just got these:

Arena - "Contagion"

The fabulous new album by UK prog-rock legends. I love it. Very lush album... but also a bit darker and more "gothic". A slight guitar edge to it, as well. Rob Sowden continues to impress with his unique, warm vocal delivery.

Threshold - "Extinct Instinct"

1997 release featuring Damien Wilson on vocals. Perhaps the heaviest and darkest Threshold release. The first half smokes, but the second half loses steam. Good album, though.


Despite my anger at Jorn for leaving ARK, I gave in and purchased this album. Although not anywhere in the league of the masterpiece "Burn The Sun", this is a suprisingly solid album. Musically much more straight-forward and restrained than ARK, but the execution is still top-notch. Jorn sounds great. The songs are catchy.

Without Face - "Astronomicon"

Admittedly, I find their bizarre male/female vocal attack a bit difficult to listen to. But the music is excellent progressive metal. Great keyboards.
Last album I got was Chris Brooks' album and I love it
Originally posted by korruption
I picked up Blind Guardian - A Night at the Opera today at the store (being shocked anything like that was actually in). Unfortunately I fucking hate it though.

I got it over the weekend, and I absolutely love it! Very different.
Originally posted by Demonspell
PMF: Is Masterplan really worth it? I've only heard the first five tracks, and the only above average ones IMO are Enlighten Me and Soulburn...

Worth it? Yeah. There's nothing earth-shattering here... it's just solid, straight-forward metal... well-crafted songs... with the great voice of Jorn Lande. Depending on how 2003 turns out... I predict this album to be hovering around the 20-25 area for me...
Originally posted by Demonspell
PMF: Is Masterplan really worth it? I've only heard the first five tracks, and the only above average ones IMO are Enlighten Me and Soulburn...

For me the thing about this album is that it grows on me. I had the same initial impression. And the it started growing...

It's all personal taste of course. And I am used to more commercial music with melodic hooks. But I do believe that when you invest the time it will in the end pay of. I could be wrong of course :lol:
I just got Kamelot's Epica yesterday. I have to listen to it more, but so far I like Karma quite a bit better. I think Epica is good, but hasn't really rocked my world yet.
I actually got 2 CD's at once: Time is the Enemy and Personae, by Hellborg/Lane/Sipe. I LOVE THEM!!! If you have never heard Shawn Lane play guitar, you are missing one of the greatest guitarists EVER! The things he can do are spectacular. The grooves on these CD's are wonderful. Highly reccomended.
Originally posted by Buzz Fledderjon
I got it over the weekend, and I absolutely love it! Very different.

I have to say it grew on me a little, one album of theirs I tried countless times and just ended up hating more and more was Nightfall in Middle-Earth, so I wasn't very open-minded when I first tried the new one.
I just bought Porcupine Tree - In Absentia. Very beautiful. I also picked up Kamelot - Karma. Real cool, my only complaint would be in the guitar area - much more basic and straight forward in comparsion to SX's stuff. I'm on the look-out for some Conception and Freak Kitchen. I'll probably end up ordering online, but I would much rather get them in a record store. Am I the only one who hates waiting for CDs to arrive in the mail?