What is the latest CD you acquired, and what are your thoughts on it?

I took a chance and bought Rhapsody's "Power of the Dragonflame" CD. My girlfriend loves them so I figured Id give one of their albums a propper listen. Honestly, the first thing I noticed was that they sound NOTHING like Blind Guardian, so I don't know why people insist on comparing them all the time (though Id imagine its because both bands have primarily fantasy based lyrics).

Musically, Rhapsody isnt that bad, in fact I quite liked a few sections of the CD, and I think Fabio Lione is a really good singer. Unfortunately, they have him singing some of the most rediculous lyrics Ive ever heard. Some of the choruses, both musically and lyrically, were so cheesy I couldn't bear to listen to them anymore. And the last song I can't finish since that horrible narrator comes in and does such a laughable narration. I hate to make comparisons, but in contrast, when Blind Guardian used narrators on Nightfall in Middle Earth #1 they didn't put them in the middle of the songs, and #2 they actually hired real voice actors, so it sounded professional. I also think, besides the fact that I think Blind Guardian's lyrics are more well written, theres a difference between writing lyrics based on a classic peice of literature, albiet fantasy literature, and making up a fantasy story on your own. For some reason the latter seems a lot cheesier.

I do like the one song where they have a bit of black metal vocals tho, I thought that was an interesting touch.
the comparisons between Guardian and Rhapsody lie in the giant, bombastic choruses....which is the bread and butter of both bands.

I was big into Rhapsody for their first 2 albums....lik 97 through 99......because they were really doing something unique and using the orchestra at a level I haven't heard in power metal previously....

unfortunately...they keep putting out the same album over and over again and it has become redundant.....not to mention the Saga gets cheesier with ever album....they were slightly toned down with the warrior stuff on the first two....now it's ridiculous.
Originally posted by azal
unfortunately...they keep putting out the same album over and over again and it has become redundant.....not to mention the Saga gets cheesier with ever album....they were slightly toned down with the warrior stuff on the first two....now it's ridiculous.

If thats the case I might have to check out Symphony of Enchanted Lands, which Ive been told is their best anyway. I mean I honestly would like them more if they didn't have lyrics like these:

Rise mighty dragon

Rise, rise, rise, rise...
Mighty dragon rise!

I can't help but laugh whenever I say some of these album names aloud. I feel like Im a level 7 elven mage when I hear myself saying "yeah I bought that Rhapsody album Power of the Dragonflame" :lol:

And about the BG/Rhapsody comparisons: I can hear the similar choruses only I think BG's have MUCH better melodies and are much less cheesy.
Yeah, Yngvai X, I got 2 Rhapsody CDs a few months ago and filed them, because I can't get past the lyrics to even enjoy the music. What a damn shame. A good band must have a good writer or writers. I was really turned off. :cry: I'm listening to Matos on "Angels Cry CD". Although his voice sometimes puts me on edge, I'm amazed at the control. (and his way with words, too :) )
BTW, How ya been, Kiddo?
Originally posted by Grom Hellscream
You know, maybe I am optimistic, but I think,that when you listen to Symphony X - there can be only two outcomes ---> or you will be fallen in love with them , or you won't get them at all.
I think , that people who listen Limp Bizkit don't value this music as something especial, they may be satisfied by mp3. But Symphony X - it is something completely different. Their music is... a THING. A part of your life . Like there were a signature : Sleep Eat Symphony X. So you will buy a disk.
That is why I think that mp3s are wholesome for Symphony X!

dude, that's exactly what I think! a few years ago I kinda liked limp bizkit (sorry.. but only their first album) and I was satisfied with some mp3s, but Symphony X's music is sooo special, that I just want the best sound quality possible and booklet etc. Symphony X's music is more than worth your money. A cd like "the odyssey" is just a purchase for life. when you're 60 you will still be listening to symphony x for sure!
Opeth-My Arms, Your Hearse
My third purchase, after Blackwater Park and Deliverance. I like it as much as the other two. They've definitely proven themselves to me, so I'm just going to break down and get the rest of their stuff in one purchase.

Avantasia-The Metal Opera Part II
I like it better each time I listen to it. For those who like the genre, and don't get annoyed by elves and stuff, it's a fine release.

Arch Enemy-Wages of Sin
Great melodic power. This is my first taste of AE, but it won't be my last!

Buckethead-Giant Robot
Just really silly. Not for background listening. You've gotta pay attention to the lyrics on this one.
I know Rhapsody is cheesy and all but it really has never bothered me mostly because they were the first metal band i got into and got me into liking Progresive metal and black metal and start to tolerate some death metal. Pesonaly lyrics have never matered to me because its not the lyrics but the over all sound. Its the symphonic stuff which i like most about metal. Nightwish, Therion, Rhapsody, Symphony X, and other bands do it well and i could give a rats ass about the lyrics because they all have their own cheesy part to them. Done with ranting i got lots of cds! Iron Maiden Eddies Archive, Dio - Killing the Dragon limited edition, Nightwish - Wishmaster, Blind Guardian - A Night at the Opera and Nightfall in Middle Earth. Eddies Archive kicks ass 6 cds and cool stuff! :p
Originally posted by Jotun
Symphony X- The Oddessey, Limited Edition, I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Ditto, but I'll elaborate further.

Russel's singing is unbelievable. He is my favorite singer. The coolest voice I've heard, ever.
I got a number of cd's for Christmas and I love them all.

Peter Gabriel - III, So, and Passion
Marillion - Clutching At Straws
Enchant - Juggling 9 or Dropping 10
King Crimson - The Night Watch

Lost Horizon - Awakening the World - Awesome, but gets repeatative after the first couple of songs.

Queensryche - Greatest Hits - What can I say? Greatest hits from an excellent band. I just wish they actually had "Operation Mindcrime" because that song is my favorite by them.

Manowar - Kings of Metal - They had a good heavy metal version of "Flight of the Bumblebee" called "Sting of the Bumblebee."

Blind Guardian - A Night at the Opera - Wow, that last song "And Then There Was Silence" is unbelievable!\

Testament - Very Best Of - I didn't know much of this band, and my friend suggested it to me. I saw this used and majorly discounted, and got it. Woa, intense!