Breast cancer awareness... Please read....

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Thank you Wheez and Bryant. Yes her name is beautiful and most people outside her family called her Tess. I guess it is just my imagination but cancer even though it is not prejudice always seems to take the angels of this world more then anyone else.

There isn't much I can say to make things better but we here at UMOS are here for you. I know you are ok because you are a tough metal-head, but I have given a PM here and there to different people here when I needed to talk. My PM is open and I am sure other ones here are as well.

Bryant's right cancer does not discriminate. I have two good friends at work who have both lost loved ones to cancer the first was a guy who lost his four year old son to a brain tumour in 2002 and the other friends partner has just lost his uncle to prostate cancer. He was 81 Unfortunately a cure for this aweful disease will come too late for these and many others but it gives people the desire to put their strenght and backing behind projects aimed at finding cures. The family of the young boy mentioned above have raised thousands of pounds for hospitals and cancer charities. They set up a charity fund in his name so that his memory would live on and he didn't die in vain.
Condolencese to those who have lost people they cared about in this way but they will be with you forever in your hearts and minds.
That is one of my goals in life now. To start a Charity fund in her name and memory. But I do not have the $$ to start such a thing but hopefully in time I will. I would also like to start scholarships in her name for fine arts and/or poetry. Unfortunately $$ is always a factor in suh things and if im not able to do such things in her name then I will continue to donate money to cancer organizations like

Everyone else who gave condolences since my last post I thank you. And anyone who has lost a loved one to cancer are in my hearts and prayers.

It will be tough this December because her birthday is Christmas Eve. I don't think I can look at Xmas Eve the same way after this.
Condolences a bit late from me as well. I lost my mom to cancer in 1999, 10 months from diagnosis to death. It's a real rough ride for those left behind.
Stay strong, as others have said, and give yourself plenty of time to grieve...


p.s. And get some heatlh insurance. I rolled the dice for 2 years without it, got hurt at work, and luckily my surgery was covered under workmans comp. Otherwise I'd be back to being bankrupt.
Thank you J-Dubya... it's never too late to give condolences to anyone and it is deeply appreciated. Sorry about your mom.

Right now I would say I'm in a state of denial and blaming myself. I'm also trying to keep myself from drinking (i had a drinking problem of sorts for years but stopped drinking over 2 years ago though I still get drunk once in a blue moon & do drink a beer nightly sometimes but just one). I quit smoking for a week so far and that is kind of a little tough.

As for insurance I'm not able to afford it right now because I'm unemployed right now. Also I'm helping her family till end of this month and such. After the new year I will look for employment and perhaps go back to school though I'm not sure how I can deal with it after her death. That's why I want to seek counseling/therapy etc.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Normally I wouldn't be able to cope with it by being on the internet... I cried the first three days after I found out... broke down uncontrollably... and since I been tearing on and off... I think I'm starting to fall into a state of denial and/or depression... I have a picture of her on my computer and I look at it daily... Right now I do not have health insurance but when I start working again and get insurance I intend to get counseling/therapy... I did quit smoking though for now. She had always wanted me to.

Her family are here from the Phillipines so I am helping them out by driving them around to her office, lawyer, etc. Helping them cope with her death and helping them with settling her Estate. I can only hope there is a afterlife/Heaven and I will see her one day. I do believe in us having souls/spirits. The other day on Sunday when I was over the house her dog just started barking uncontrollably towards her Urn and photo for no reason. All day he was quiet and mostly sleeping on my lap then when I was talking to her sister in the living room the dog (his name is Loki, a Bichon Frise) starting barking like crazy in that direction (Urn/Photo). Can't be because of the Photo and such because it had been there for a couple of days and he never reacted to it before so I like to think her spirit/soul was there for some reason. Perhaps to reassure us she is ok and in Heaven now. I hope that is why.
My condolences for your tragic loss UM, your words are touching. I feel for you after reading all these very personal emotions you put into words.

I also think about it because of a close friend of mine who have seemingly healed from cancer lately. You never know what may happen though, he might never be totally freed from the disease. I saw people suffering from cancer before but never that young, so that brutally reminded me that it could strike anybody, at any time. I never realized before that it could also happen to a healthy 28 years old person...
That's probably why I relate to some extent to your heartbreaking story, even though I can't imagine the terrible suffering you have to go through.

Take care of yourself bro, I'm sure you'll honour Tess memory in every way possible.
My mother and aunt (her sister) both survived at advanced aged thanks to early detection. Now a political aunt in England is due for surgery on November to remove a lump and see what it can be. We are all hoping the best from the biopsy.

Again my condolences to Larry and all here that have lost someone to cancer (my paternal grandma die of it and I never got to knew her, the husband of my cousin died if it too).

And be aware of it. Male or female, go to the doctor on annually basis, get some bloodwork done regularly, after 40 begin to check breast, prostate, etc. Early detection is one of the best ways to fight it and survive it.
I'd also like to let you all know to tell all the girls and women you know when they go to get their check ups ask for a CA-125 blood test. They'll try to tell you it's not covered, it's expensive, etc etc but make them give you one!!!

This CA-125 test is known to detect very early stages or possiblilities of ovarian cancer.
My condolences for your tragic loss UM, your words are touching. I feel for you after reading all these very personal emotions you put into words.

I also think about it because of a close friend of mine who have seemingly healed from cancer lately. You never know what may happen though, he might never be totally freed from the disease. I saw people suffering from cancer before but never that young, so that brutally reminded me that it could strike anybody, at any time. I never realized before that it could also happen to a healthy 28 years old person...
That's probably why I relate to some extent to your heartbreaking story, even though I can't imagine the terrible suffering you have to go through.

Take care of yourself bro, I'm sure you'll honour Tess memory in every way possible.

I hope your friend stays cancer free and lives a long full life without worries. What kind of cancer was it?

I will honor Tess's memory for the rest of my life especially by taking up the cause of Breast cancer awareness. Just sad that she didn't survive because we would of done this together.
My mother and aunt (her sister) both survived at advanced aged thanks to early detection. Now a political aunt in England is due for surgery on November to remove a lump and see what it can be. We are all hoping the best from the biopsy.

Again my condolences to Larry and all here that have lost someone to cancer (my paternal grandma die of it and I never got to knew her, the husband of my cousin died if it too).

And be aware of it. Male or female, go to the doctor on annually basis, get some bloodwork done regularly, after 40 begin to check breast, prostate, etc. Early detection is one of the best ways to fight it and survive it.

I'm very glad for you bro that your mom and aunt survived this and pray your other aunt will also this Nov. Thank you for your condolences, much like you I didn't know my paternal grandmother but I think she passed away from a stroke. I was too young back then to know about death so since my grandmother died I never had someone close to me pass away much less someone i loved outside of my immediate family. I never took cancer much less death seriously till now. I am approaching 40 in 5 1/2 years and believe me I will get myself checked regularly. Though to tell you the truth right now I welcome death only because I would want to be with her again and not wait decades to know if there is a afterlife and if I'll see her again.

Tess had early detection (Cancer #2 I think it is called) and was doing well with chemo and radiation. It went away but they couldn't start her Heptin treatments (attacks only the bad cells and not the good ones) right away because something with her blood pressure or something like that and it is this that I believe that caused it to come back. The lapse in time between radiation and Heptin treatment. She was to start the Heptin in fact the day after she passed away. That is what frustrates me that she was close to getting the treatment. But I blame myself for her death for not taking her to the hospital a week or two before her death. Perhaps if they had operated a week or two earlier she would be here today and starting her Heptin treatments.
I'd also like to let you all know to tell all the girls and women you know when they go to get their check ups ask for a CA-125 blood test. They'll try to tell you it's not covered, it's expensive, etc etc but make them give you one!!!

This CA-125 test is known to detect very early stages or possiblilities of ovarian cancer.

I learned alot about Breast cancer due to her passing (it hurts me to say the word died and related words) but the only thing I think i know about ovarian cancer is that it is caused by a virus? If i were a woman I would rather pay the extra money then regret it if she has it.Btw is selling a sterling silver bracelet of sorts to raise money for Ovarian cancer awareness. $5 from each sale will go to a charity for Ovarian Cancer Research.
I think i know about ovarian cancer is that it is caused by a virus?

yes it is I believe HPV virus which is why it is so important for ladies, girls, women to get their annual pap tests. Sadly now with a lot of insurance changes, cost cutting etc. Women now need to get approval to go to the OBGYN doctor more than once a year but please do get your check ups. This goes for you men as well getting you prostate checked. Get your check ups and take care of yourselves.
But I blame myself for her death for not taking her to the hospital a week or two before her death. Perhaps if they had operated a week or two earlier she would be here today and starting her Heptin treatments.

No, no please never blame yourself. Is part of the grieving process and you will have to deal in your own terms, we all know that's the way it is, but I can assure you that it'll never be your fault.
yes it is I believe Pavlov virus which is why it is so important for ladies, girls, women to get their annual pap tests. Sadly now with a lot of insurance changes, cost cutting etc. Women now need to get approval to go to the OBGYN doctor more than once a year but please do get your check ups. This goes for you men as well getting you prostate checked. Get your check ups and take care of yourselves.

Cost cutting by politicians and by insurance companies are really what is a shame in this cause. The Government wastes so much of our tax dollars on stupid things like $30,000 toilets or research for retarded things like brushing teeth upside down in space etc. When real problems like cancer research and research for other diseases is where $$ should really go to not cutting $$ from research as well as for early detection tests.
True Jonny D. We should worry about our own citizens and not some other country's citizens. There are many issues politicians should concentrate on domestically such as education, health, lower taxes etc. but after this event in my life my main cause will be health and especially the fight against breast cancer and cancer in general... I sent two emails to my congressmen concerning issues of cost cutting that will not give early detection tests for women who cannot afford healthcare. And I plan to get involved in other ways but that is the beginning for me.
I hope your friend stays cancer free and lives a long full life without worries. What kind of cancer was it?
Thank you. It was a brain tumor, not exactly "inside" the brain but on the border of it. Luckily treatments have been working pretty well for him.

But I'm not sure that you have to blame yourself, as you couldn't guess or foresee what would happen. It's nobody's fault when life takes such a bad turn, and that's why it is so hard to accept it. Hang in there...