Breast cancer awareness... Please read....

Regardless I will always blame myself. She was in a shitty hospital and I could of took her to Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhattan and could of took her two weeks before her death when she wasn't coughing blood. Time is always a factor in such matters and if she was hospitalized sooner then later they could of operated and removed the tumor that spread to her lung before it did the damage that it did... Her family was in the phillipines but I was here and could of made a difference.
Regardless I will always blame myself. She was in a shitty hospital and I could of took her to Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhattan and could of took her two weeks before her death when she wasn't coughing blood. Time is always a factor in such matters and if she was hospitalized sooner then later they could of operated and removed the tumor that spread to her lung before it did the damage that it did... Her family was in the phillipines but I was here and could of made a difference.

I want to add to everyone else telling you that you should not blame yourself. I understand exactly where you're coming from But I think it's misplaced. Hindsight is 20/20 and should not be used to level blame. Just take care of yourself. It takes time to work through it. Live for her and use what you have learned to help others. There could be no greater tribute to her.
I understand what everyone is trying to say. But to me one person can make a difference and in this situation I could of made that difference and she might still be alive right now if I did.

Right now the best I can do is help her family while they are still here till November 25th (trying to help them save her house by convincing them to get a property management company to run the house for them instead of selling it) & to take up the cause of fighting Breast cancer and awareness via charity groups such as to help others with this terrible disease. As you said in tribute to her and her memory.
Its nice to know your tribute to her. Make a masterpiece out of you life, I am sure it is what she would want.

my condolences, she sounded like a very unique person.
October is also Breast Cnacer awarness month here in Australia.
Yesturday one of our most well known tv show hosts lost his wife to Bone Cancer.She did have breast cancer beat that only to discover that it had moved to her bones.
I too have lost friends and family to breast cancer.
Thank you Sayer for your condolence... she was/is very special to me... and i miss her everyday.... what you said about masterpiece of my life... you are correct it is what she wanted from me and she had said numerous times to me... I will certainly try... I just made a donation to in her memory/name... her family will receive a certificate informing them of my donation in her name/memory... so that is a start...

Jonbonjovi... I hope this disease does not take anyone else that is a loved one to you...
yes it is I believe HPV virus which is why it is so important for ladies, girls, women to get their annual pap tests.

Well, I've recently read that the pap test isn't the most accurate around, with its miss rate between 20-40%! Imagine how many false alarms it produces...
But there's a new test, I've forgotten its name, with a miss rate of mere 5%.
That doesn't mean women shouldn't get their pap tests, anything is better than "meh, won't happen to me" stand.

UM, try to stay away from drinking, especially if you've had a problem with it!
Yeah, it's easy for me to rationalize here, but I think you're smart enough to know what problems it can bring and one problem it CAN'T take away... Be strong, I think she would've wanted you to be...
Well so far i haven't jumped into the bottle... mainly because her family is still here and I'm helping them out... and your right.. she wouldn't want me to drink... but it's a difficult time without her... i'm trying to keep myself busy helping her family and other things so as not to turn to the bottle...
Well so far i haven't jumped into the bottle... mainly because her family is still here and I'm helping them out... and your right.. she wouldn't want me to drink... but it's a difficult time without her... i'm trying to keep myself busy helping her family and other things so as not to turn to the bottle...

Por favor nada de alcohol! :cry: . Como dijiste a ella no le hubiese gustado.

The best way to honor her memory is to be strong and carry on the way she would have like it. I know the strenght it's in you.

I'm now waiting for my cousins in England to tell me about my aunt who just had surgery to remove a lump from her breast, some more days for the biopsy result...

BTW, I found out that October also was breast cancer month in here.
Por favor nada de alcohol! :cry: . Como dijiste a ella no le hubiese gustado.

The best way to honor her memory is to be strong and carry on the way she would have like it. I know the strenght it's in you.

I'm now waiting for my cousins in England to tell me about my aunt who just had surgery to remove a lump from her breast, some more days for the biopsy result...

BTW, I found out that October also was breast cancer month in here.

I guess Breast Cancer awareness in Oct. is global. This December will be quite difficult since her Bday is Dec. 24th. I hope your aunt pulls through and the results of the test are not cancer so she and your family doesn't suffer what happened to Tess.