Breeding Death Shirt und Bloodbath Zippers available on!!!!

It's sad that the shirts only go up to XL :cry: They're just one size to small for me. Oh well, not much I can do about it.
That was only 13 bucks, and my mom got it for me because she felt like being nice for once. I get a 13 dollar shirt, my brother gets a 1300 dollar laptop. Funny stuff.
so i guess they did more zip up hoodie things because i remember they were gone for a bit, now there back
Yeah, someone want to get me one? My mom won't order it because it's "devil shit." Wonderfully open-minded mother I have, wouldn't you agree?
what i do is send away for it, and when i get it in the mail i say "oh my god! I won that contest?!?"

burton said:
Yeah, someone want to get me one? My mom won't order it because it's "devil shit." Wonderfully open-minded mother I have, wouldn't you agree?

hrm...i thought u mentioned that your mom did buy you the Diabolical Masquerade shirt...if she could that, why can't she buy you bloodbath? They're both "devil shit"
No, the hoody just has the logo. I don't really want the shirt. The only Bloodbath shirt I ever really wanted was the charcoal gray one. "My soul existance in gore." Fucking awesome.