Bribe to Onqel


Jun 14, 2007

In this thread we pay onqel money to make a sim of the rectifier and tubescreamer! (or any other amp we can agree on) So Onqel give us your paypal or something and we will send some money, if everyone sends a small donation he might do it :D :D
I'll throw down ten bucks. I'd love to have a recto sim built by him, just based on the extremely good quality of the TSE. But there's gotta be a rectification knob :)
If you want to pay, pay for something that I've made already :p I don't need that pressure, and I feel it's wrong since LePou is already working on the Recto sim ;)
But feel free to come with requests for my next project :)
the first thing i have to say is
THANKS for this awesome sim!!!!

id kill for a (good) tube screamer sim (ts9,od808,maxon...whatever you want)
so i (and all the people on the forum) can stop using soloC as a boost XD

id prefer if your next amp would be something nobody has done yet like:

Krank (a krank would be AWESOME)
Bogner UBERSCHALL (but i think lepou is working on a Ecstasy sim)
Framus cobra
diezel herbert/vh4
id prefer if your next amp would be something nobody has done yet like:

Krank (a krank would be AWESOME)
Bogner UBERSCHALL (but i think lepou is working on a Ecstasy sim)
Framus cobra
diezel herbert/vh4

I've been thinking of experimenting a little, mixing the Cobra and the 5150 to see if I get some decent results.. I actually started with the Tiny Terror before the 530.. now I can't find the schematics :cry: I still have some work on the X30 before I start working on something new... :Smokin:

(Don't tell anyone :lol:)
If you want to pay, pay for something that I've made already :p I don't need that pressure, and I feel it's wrong since LePou is already working on the Recto sim ;)
But feel free to come with requests for my next project :)

Ok, make sure to collaborate with LePou on the recto and with your combined knowledge make an even better ampsim ;) ...Also the recto will require a tubescreamer :D

Ok, here are some other requests, any one would be great:

ENGL Savage :headbang:
ENGL midi preamp or SE
Krank Krankenstein or Rev.

And the most important thing is to continue working on one amp at a time, and perfect it. That's whats so great about the TSE X30, it's simple, just one preamp that sounds great and no bullshit. Not like guitar rig that has tons of stuff but everything sounds crap. No pressure man, let it take the time it needs.
I'll throw down $50 bucks if you make a Savage 120 ampism that sounds nearly identical to a Savage. Maybe more. Then I can run the line out of my mixer in to one of my amps power amps with 6550's and do the br00tulz.
Bogner UBERSCHALL (but i think lepou is working on a Ecstasy sim)
diezel herbert/vh4

Big +1 and a mark IV sim would also definitely be appreciated :). The samples of the ENGL preamp sim sound very good by the way (even through I don't really like the way most ENGL amps sound :heh:), so congrats on that one.
If someone could provide DI's and reamps of one of the Mark series amps I could give it a shot.. (The reamps are for validation)
Good call onqel, you should be able to find accurate schematic of Mesa Mark series.
BTW I would be interested in DI's and reamps of Mesa 2 ch Recto and/or Bogner Ecstasy...
