Brides of Destruction-Here Come the Brides 2004


Brides of Destrcution-Here Come the Brides 2004

Sanctuary Records Group

When I heard that Nikki Sixx was getting a band together I was excited. I have been a fan of Nikki’s since I was about 13 years old. I love his lyrics & his entire approach to song writing & did I mention he’s a pretty solid bass player too? I wasn’t overly impressed with Nikki’s last project 58, it was uninspiring & plain dull. With Brides it’s a straight up garage rock & punk influenced record with a trace of stoner rock overtones. The question here is can they deliver? The answer is not really. I wanted to fall in love with this band, I wanted to be able to rant & rave about the songs & the musicianship displayed within. I just can’t say that I would recommend this record to anyone other than a Motley Crue compiler that is gathering all that is Motley Crue oriented. From start to finish the tracks are very "stale" & they never kick off. It’s like waiting for the delivery guy to show up with your pizza, only to find out after you take a bite, that it’s got no flavor! London is a versatile singer, making an attempt to duplicate his vocal stylings to just about everyone that has issued a rock record since 1990. It is a shame, he never shows us his real identity. Tracii Guns also never gets a chance to shine on this recording, his playing is flat, much like it was on the classic "American Hardcore" disc that he issued with L.A. Guns mach 2.5. So what’s the final verdict? If Brides were a up & coming band I doubt they would have gotten signed, this music doesn’t break any new ground. Rock 'N Roll should be dangerous, but there's something wrong with being so premeditated, it kills the entire project. The highlights of this record are "Brace Yourself," "2X Dead," & "Only Get So Far." We can only hope that Motley Crue get back together for one last time before the legacy of that band & of each individual member is tainted by their desire to "branch out" & do other things.


Nikki Sixx-Bass

Tracii Guns- Guitar

Scott Coogan-Drums

London LeGrand-Vocals

The Music-

1.) Shut the Fuck Up

2.) I Don’t Care

3.) I Got A Gun

4.) 2X Dead-:worship:

5.) Brace Yourself-:worship:

6.) Natural Born Killers

7.) Life

8.) Revolution

9.) Only Get So Far-:worship: