So Im a huuuuge fan of vinyl, I love the way they look and feel and sound, and I gotta admit to being much more impressed by sounds emanating from a needle being dragged through tiny mountain ranges than by those synthesized by a laser decoding ones and zeros... I dunno, I find analog so much more mysterious and noble.
But I am aware of vinyl and needle degradation though, and that worries me to no end. Well, not really, but I would love to find a way to transfer vinyl records to good quality MP3s... My ultimate plan would be to centralize all my music on my computer, hook it up to some decent speakers and go from there. I was wondering if anyone here knows enough about computers / sound engineering to recommend the ideal medium to bridge that gap between analog and digital... For some reason I get the feeling plugging a turntable directly into the computer and recording them to .wav format wouldnt be a good idea, sound quality wise (this is just instinct talking). Ive been leaning towards a minidisk player... copy vinyl records onto minidisks, and them rip them on the computer. For some reason I get a feeling I would get better results that way, though I may be mistaken.
So yeah, any kind of advice would be greatly appreciated. Then maybe one day some of that great shit Ive got on vinyl might show up on a mix CD for a lucky board-member!
But I am aware of vinyl and needle degradation though, and that worries me to no end. Well, not really, but I would love to find a way to transfer vinyl records to good quality MP3s... My ultimate plan would be to centralize all my music on my computer, hook it up to some decent speakers and go from there. I was wondering if anyone here knows enough about computers / sound engineering to recommend the ideal medium to bridge that gap between analog and digital... For some reason I get the feeling plugging a turntable directly into the computer and recording them to .wav format wouldnt be a good idea, sound quality wise (this is just instinct talking). Ive been leaning towards a minidisk player... copy vinyl records onto minidisks, and them rip them on the computer. For some reason I get a feeling I would get better results that way, though I may be mistaken.
So yeah, any kind of advice would be greatly appreciated. Then maybe one day some of that great shit Ive got on vinyl might show up on a mix CD for a lucky board-member!