Brief Summary of my trip to england... in PICS!!!


Like a rock
So I've been home since this morning and I thought I'd post some pics!

I first went to Montreal to take the plane where I met one of my closest friend and we spent the day walking and talk and it was great!

Then I took the plane and went to germany where I had a couple of meetings in a small town called Grossbetligen near Stuttgart and because I was all fucked up because of jetlag, I dig some evening photography


After that, I had to go to england where I took the weekend off to visit London. (Yeah Karen... I went to Camden Town ;))

Since I was there I thought I'd go see Nevermore and Dew Scented...



Then I had to go to work in Burton where I was staying in a hotel near the Trent River

I worked all week and took a plane back to canada which was delayed by 4 hours :(

I came home and noticed how the weather got all autumny and stuff...
those are great! sounds and looks like it was a swell trip! i love all the pics but especially the black and white one with the lil bridge. awwwwwesome :headbang:
I hope you got some chinese/thai food at the market. cheap, and oh so gooood.

Awesome pictures. Makes me want to post my pictures I took last year on my trip to London. ^^
COOL pictures Fred!
you're getting better and better with the camera!!!
glad you had a good time in the UK!
and you got to see Nevermore as well! splendid! :)
Where you hanging around after the London show with a few other guys? Right next to the tour bus? I recognise the beard...
Larf03 said:
Actually... you wouldn't believe how much pics I manage to fuck up... Say I take a hundred... 80% will be nice, 10% will look like shit and only 10% will be "kickass"

If it makes you feel better, Ansel Adams regularly took 5 rolls of film in order to come up with one or two quality images. You have a good eye. I personally like the shot you took of Jim and Van. It's hard to take a multi-perspective picture, especially when a drummer is involved. :)