Bringing a guitar on an AirTran Airlines flight

Any manage to succeed this? I'm about to fly out to LA from Memphis this Sunday and I'd like to bring my guitar. I have a gig bag that is actually kind of I dont know how good that'll work...and a few different hardshell cases. I have an ibanez hardshell case and some other brand ones that are smaller by an inch or two.

I'd personally like to bring it with me as carry on...but if all else fails I'll check it in...

Anyone have any experience with this?
I always see them just put the softcase in the first class closet or something.

But, paranoid as I am, I actually took my guitar apart, put the body in my suitcase padded all around with clothes, and took the neck as carry-on. But that was pre-9/11. I don't think that'd work now.

And, I must say, it was a cheap guitar.

Call the airline.
I've checked mine in before, it was in a soft case and made it through ok. If they can tell it's a guitar, they are going to treat it with respect. They damn sure aren't going to break it, if they did you'd be getting a new one....
i wouldn't take a guitar on a flight that i was attached too...there's always a chance that you'll get it thru check-in, and then as you board they'll have you put it under the plane

altho it doesn't happen too often, even pink tag luggage like that can get lost or damaged