Interview at a guitar store (Tuesday 3 Sept 2006), any last minute advice?

Razorjack said:
Thanks for all the congrats guys.

I'll be at Sound Control, so if you know anyone looking for a Schecter tell them to come see Andy (me).

Good shit razor. I'm heading down to london on the piss next weekend from brizzzle so will more than likely pop in. working sats? SC up here doesnt open sundays, so i guess you wont be either.
kev said:
Good shit razor. I'm heading down to london on the piss next weekend from brizzzle so will more than likely pop in. working sats? SC up here doesnt open sundays, so i guess you wont be either.

I should be working every Saturday, not got confirmation of when I'm starting work yet though (I'm pretty sure it'll be Monday but haven't recieved the e-mail letting me know for sure).