Britney goes bald!

hell a pair of doc's a wife beater and some suspenders and she's ready to "smash in your windows and kick in your doors"

that's the new album from her i wanna hear :rock:

Briney in doc's and a wife-beater; now I'm horny. :lol: I'm an old hessian that likes the punks rock girls. :rock: :kickass:
nazi youth britney i applaud you for doing something exciting while throwing your life away. you could have been like every other fallen entertainer or government official and embezzled money, killed somebody, raped someone, got caught with your pants down or got caught in some twisted affair behind a high powered office door but nooooo ! you had to shave your body hair off. what are you psycho?

"shame on you britney spears!"

you let us down while we were holding you up to such high standards. we were letting you dictate the lives of our young daughters for Christ's sake. you were teaching them about sex and, fashion and raising a family and now this ! this is how you repay us !

shame shame shame on you

i hope this tirade dosn't discourage you from wanting to marry me because i feel we would make a great couple. i have a steady job and a nice (though small) home. i have a recording program on my computer which you could use to work on your new album. i also play guitar in a punk band which you might be able to front now that you shaved your head and got some cool tatoos. we could be like the neo- nazi sonny and cher or even john and yoko. please consider this offer while you"re in rehab. i await an answer.

your soul mate

Why do people make decisions BEFORE entering rehab? You know you're in no state to make decisions or you wouldn't be entering rehab in the first place, yet you do it anyway. If you're thinking about getting tattoos or shaving your head, just wait the 28 days out. Then, if you still want to do it, by all means do so.
By the way, this is in no way an indictment of people who shave their heads or get tattoos. I have a tattoo, and I WILL have many more. But I WILL be sober when I decide which tattoos to get.

That is all, I will shut up now.:lol:
Why do people make decisions BEFORE entering rehab? You know you're in no state to make decisions or you wouldn't be entering rehab in the first place, yet you do it anyway. If you're thinking about getting tattoos or shaving your head, just wait the 28 days out. Then, if you still want to do it, by all means do so.
By the way, this is in no way an indictment of people who shave their heads or get tattoos. I have a tattoo, and I WILL have many more. But I WILL be sober when I decide which tattoos to get.

That is all, I will shut up now.:lol:

MIkey, we need to make a run to wolf's
I guess she didn't like how she looks bald (in the head).

"Terrified she'd lose custody of her sons, an out-of-control Britney Spears tried to kill herself TWICE in the hours after shaving her head, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively from sources.

Hours after creating a media frenzy by shaving her head, sources say the troubled star tried to take her own life by walking into traffic, only to be rescued at the last second by her staff.

But that wasn't the end of Britney's self-destructive impulses. A short time later she was rushed to a doctor after saying she was going to kill herself and then taking too many Xanax, say the sources.

Britney's emotional collapse was triggered by a "reconciliation" with estranged husband Kevin Federline — that was actually meant to be an intervention, sources tell The ENQUIRER.

And when Kevin warned her that she'd fail a drug test and he'd get custody of their sons, a hysterical Britney went over the edge and ended up shaving herself bald while a crowd of spectators and photographers watched outside Esther's Haircutting Studio in Tarzana, California.

"After she shaved off her hair, Britney had a complete breakdown and tried to kill herself," an insider told The ENQUIRER."