brother von doom - rough mix and master


Sep 21, 2006
fleshed this out after the vocal session

curious of how you think its coming along

this recording was planned for almost half a year. and now its almost done.
hoping to get someone like prosthetic, century media, or nuclear blast, to at least hear it

lemme know what you think! (first mix on rme, good bye firepod)

im amazed the vocals turned out so brutal, the guy is sick right now, and very under the weather, poor dude barely got three songs out in 10 hours. he was very weak sounding into the mic, somehow i pulled out some "ferocity" outta him :p


God, after hearing bulb's stuff and now this I really want to upgrade my Guitarport with the metal pack and buy DFHS. Are drums really that tedious to program with DFHS, because the come out better than any real drums I could record atm but if they are really that hard to program it might not be worth it for me.
Very good stuff. I dig it.
Oh, and I think he means he used Drumkit from Hell to sound replace the drums, because I've checked out both bands myspace's and they look to have real drummers.
sound tight! is it really possible to replace poor recorded overheads and toms with dfhs??? like drumagog?

Yeah, well ive only tried toms myself. My electric kit has some beefy low end toms but is lacking some of that natural drum skin attack so ive been mixing it 50% with Andy's tom sounds to get an overall better sound. I only started my tom mixing last night so im not well up on it as of yet but you get the idea :p Good luck!
Shit I didnt realise you said "with DFHS". I apologise! I think you can export the samples from it and use them as gog files in drumagog but not sure about doing it directly. I was fucked at the time! *hides* :zombie:
joey has some very interesting philosophies behind this that I totally agree with.

I'll let him elaborate if he so chooses :)

Please joey elaborate cause Ive been driven nuts wondering how you go about drums using dfhs with bands that have real drummers. Personally i wanna use the same thing with my band and just looking for some direction on how you go about this?

Do you record drums first then just program what drummer played on the recording?
Please joey elaborate cause Ive been driven nuts wondering how you go about drums using dfhs with bands that have real drummers. Personally i wanna use the same thing with my band and just looking for some direction on how you go about this?

Do you record drums first then just program what drummer played on the recording?

no, you just program the drums right out

have both guitarists play scratch track to a click
then sit down and map the drums right in the same project on a midi track pointing to vst
Well most bands i run across the drummers have these things called ego's and there usually quite large:lol: Well anyway you bring up programing there drums and its like your asking them to cut there balls off with a dull knife.

Maybe you wanna share how you go about getting the drummers to be cool with this?

Do you just program with a mouse in cubase or whatever? Also if you wanna share any dfhs tips you use i would be greatfull. Yea and i just went and played all your songs on the sound click page and I'm fucking loving your stuff so your my idle right now:kickass:

Teach me oh great master:worship:
I tried convincing my drummer to let me program the drums for our next demo tracks today at practice and he threw a complete bitch fit. Can't say I thought it would have gone any differently but I gave it a shot.
HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now that i regained my composure, god damn those tracks sound brutal man, and wat are you loading dfh into? that guitar player has some dirty riffs man im totally feelin that!

overall i must say excellent work!