Bruce Dickinson Solo Work


Apr 21, 2008
Covington, Ga.
I was just wondering & I was curious if everyone on here likes, or even loves any or all, or even some of Bruce's solo stuff? I happened to LOVE "The Chemical Wedding" & "Accident Of Birth" the most!:kickass: But what are your opinions, let's discuss.
I was just wondering & I was curious if everyone on here likes, or even loves any or all, or even some of Bruce's solo stuff? I happened to LOVE "The Chemical Wedding" & "Accident Of Birth" the most!:kickass: But what are your opinions, let's discuss.

Those two are the highlights of his solo career, at least from what I own. I also have "Balls To Picasso", but that's kinda weak.

Somewhat related, I actually put in IM's "Fear Of The Dark" just to see if my opinion has improved. Nope, still one of IM's weakest discs. It was probably a good thing that Bruce stepped out after that.
"The Chemical Wedding" is one of the classic metal albums of the '90s. Period. Totally different from Maiden, and manages to be heavy and catchy at the same time.


I also liked "Balls to Picasso", "Accident of Birth" and "Skunkworks" even :) I'd sure like to see Bruce performing his solo stuff some day!
Accident of Birth has always been my favorite Bruce album. You just can't mess with an album that has as many great individual songs as that one does. The Road to Hell, Omega, Darkside of Aquarius, Man of Sorrows, the title track....

The Chemical Wedding comes in a nice close second for me though. I love the William Blake-isms throughout it, and it manages to be quite dark and evil without sounding too over-the-top and cheesy, Killing Floor aside.

Tyranny of Souls is a great album as well, and I personally have always thought Sknunkworks is incredibly underrated. It's not a metal album in any way, shape, or form, but it's got a really great vibe to it. A lot of great songs on that release, my favorites are Back From the Edge and Inertia.

When it comes to pre-Skunkworks, all you need is Alive in Studio A. It takes the only songs worth hearing off of the first two albums and features them in a really cool live-in-the-studio setting. I love how full those sessions sound for merely being drums, bass, one guitar, and vocals. Some great musicians in that part of Bruce's career.
  1. "Accident Of Birth" :headbang:
  2. "Tyranny Of Souls"
  3. "The Chemical Wedding"
  4. "Skunkworks"
  5. "Balls To Picasso"
  6. "Tattooed Millionaire"

and except for his solo debut all his discography beats Maiden discography since 1989.
Good Stuff. Chemical Wedding is my fav disc, but Solar Confinement may be my favorite song of his.
Accident of Birth and Tyranny of Souls are my favorites. Also, as a Maiden junkie and a HUGE Bruce fanboy, I still love all of IM's stuff better than his solo stuff. Might just be my ears, but Brave New World, DoD, and AMOLAD all trump his solo stuff.

Not to say his solo stuff is weak by any means.......
To say that any of Bruce's solo albums are better than any post Bailey albums is absurd. :rolleyes: I'll take Brave New World and A Matter of Life and Death any day of the week.


Accident of Birth
Chemical Wedding
Tyranny of Souls

These are all great albums, Chemical Wedding is probably one of my all time top ten albums. I would also have to say that these 3 albums are all better than any Maiden album since Seventh Son. Although Brave New World is great and comes close.
I listen to it now and I don't really like it anymore, except for a few songs.

However, back in 1993, I was just getting into Iron Maiden. I bought all the Maiden studio and official live albums. Loved 'em. Then I got Balls to Picasso. Oh, boy, not good at all, except for Tears of the Dragon, which may be the best Bruce song ever, Iron Maiden included.

Then came Skunkworks and I didn't like that much either, although there were some good moments, like Inertia, My Machine, and Back From the Edge.

Got hold of Alive in Studio A after that and I felt that maybe the songs on Balls to Picasso weren't that bad, just ruined by the production.

So when Accident of Birth came out, my expectations weren't high. Back then, with the internet in its infancy, you didn't get much warning about where an artist was going, so I didn't know that Bruce had decided to make a "politically incorrect metal album". So I popped it in my tape walkman and WHOA!!!!!

I had a one hour bicycle ride to work back then and Accident of Birth must have stayed in my walkman for months, providing me with an hour of awesomeness to make my commute more bearable. Back then, metal pickings were pretty slim and that album was a breath of fresh air.
I have to agree with Adaher. "Tears of the Dragon" is simply awesome. It pretty much is one of the top 5 songs of the 90s for me. It completely defines an entire stage of my life. All of Balls to Picasso isn't half bad either.
Very cool! I didn't know that so many of y'all on here were as passionate about Bruce's awesome & very Kick Ass solo albums, as I am!!!!
Damnit Bruce! Give us a US solo tour! We demand it!! ;) :lol:
oh, hell yea! the chemical wedding is an awesome album...i love it from start to finish. i like the rest of his stuff as well, accident of birth and tyranny of souls have some real good stuff.

i actually happen to really like tattooed millionaire as well...its a completely different feel from him but i really enjoy alot of those tracks.

and who could forget tears of the dragon?
I was just listening to Tyranny again... Kill devil hill, :headbang: I also just picked up a book on Amazon... Flashing metal with Iron Maiden and flying solo.... I haven't read it yet, but it's next up.

I'd love to see a solo Bruce tour..though doubtful it will happen soon.. Maiden's in the studio and will be back on tour late summer/fall 2010. :headbang: The man's voice just keeps getting better and better!!