Bruce/ Sharon Osbourne Conflict


Your hippie fan
Sep 26, 2004
Sacramento, CA
I was channel surfing on the TV a few nights ago and I ran across the 100 most wild concert moments on either Vh1 or MTV (can't remember). Anyway, #20 or so was the whole Ozzfest Maiden/ Sharon situation. It seemed everyone they interviewed was on Sharon's side. Zakk and that douche bag, Ricki Rackman, were interviewed and they flamed the hell out of Bruce. They said that Ozzfest was the best thing to happen to Maiden since the 80's. That shit pissed me off! I think Maiden was the best thing to happen to Ozzfest... They said that Bruce was disrespectful to Ozzy for weeks leading up and Sharon lost it that last gig. They interviewed others, but I can't remember who. They were all kissing Sharon's ass and they buried Bruce alive. Why didn't they interview Bruce and Sharon and get it out on the table? Fans want to know. I can't believe this shit made it to one of those programs as # 20 or so out of 100. Anyone catch this? I wonder why Bruce was acting that way towards Ozzy...Or was he really acting that way?
Its spin, propaganda, brain washing, historical revisionism designed for the express purpose of keeping you glued on soda pop commercials during the Ozzy family show on MTV. The have vested interest in that program.
not to mention Sharon has pulled similar acts with other bands. I used to like her, but she is a bitch of the highest order. Ozzy should retire, he is falling apart physically, yet he keep getting trotted out there. Who's behind that, I wonder?
Well in everything I've read, Its made very clear Sharon's problem was with Bruce... I see no reason why the rest of the band had to suffer the brunt of her vindictiveness. Assuming Bruce's comments and behavior which Sharon claims were the fule of this fire were even the opinion of and or condoned by the entire band, nobody bothered to ask before she took it upon herself to see they ALL suffered the effects of her actions. She later stated that Steve Harris came to Ozzy personally and apologized for Bruce's actions and expressed that the rest of the band was embarrassed by his conduct. So even if she dosn't want to apologize to Bruce, she certainly owes it to the rest of the band and their fans that paid to see them.

She also made it clear that she wasn't going to let Bruce get away with disrespecting her husband... On that note I know for a fact that a lot of people that even bother to watch The Osbournes only do so because its humorous to them to see the condition Ozzy is in due to years of excessive drug use.

So if she can condone the fact that she herself is ultimately part of the reason that thousands of people are getting a laugh at her husbands expense, then I don't see how she can get so pissy about Bruce's apparent disrespect toward him. If she has as much respect for Ozzy as she claims, you'd think she'd try to be the voice of reason, trying to convince Ozzy and their children that the money isn't worth how potentially degrading it might be. Ozzy is a metal legend and nobody should have to remember him like this.

There are other issues regarding things Bruce may or may not have done, and he probably did conduct himself inappropriately and shouldn't have agreed to be part of Ozzfest if he had any kind of personal reservations regarding it or Ozzy. BUT! the bottom line is... if she had a problem with Bruce, this was certainly not the way to go about taking care of it.
I went to Ozzfest and Bruce did speak rather derogatory about the sound and the limited set they had to play, but it was never anything I would consider out of line. The sound wasn't all that great, and even though they played nothing but the classics, an hour isn't exactly how you get new fans... not to mention that they were the only other "classic" metal band aside from Sabbath, and the lineup was too balanced toward the new metal bands... I must being getting old...
Zakk Wylde can suck my dick off so can the entire Osbourne crew and Ozzy himself. He is a washed up sell out and his wife wears his pants. Zakk is nothing more than a glam rock faggot who will never be more than Ozzy's little bitchboy. If I saw Sharon Osbourne on the street I would slap her fuckin face off.

sorry for the vulgarity but everytime I think about this I get so pissed off.
Wow! I thought this was all settled and put to bed. I guess not! I missed that Vh1 special, though the other one , the most Metal moments, already covered much of that stuff. I know that if I saw the Ozzfest piece, I would've gotten pissed too. But Sharon should've known Bruce's rep for speaking his mind. So upon hearing about how he felt about the reality show and all, she should've spoken to Bruce in the beginning, instead of waiting till the very end to express her displeasure. I don't think what Bruce said bothered Ozzy at all, just took it as his opinion, not the band's. Just shows how highly strung Sharon is.
ive never been to an ozzfest, and will never go to one. i cant stand ozzy all that much. i was shocked when i found out Judas Priest was playing at ozzfest, then i heard about Maiden! here all this time i thought bands didnt want better bands opening for them. oh well, kinda reminds me of Bon Jovi and having Skid Row opening for them! :lol: ozzy should have retired when he lost his ability to talk.
I heard that she and Ozzy were on Howard Stern's show and mentioned that she hired some kids from her charity to wreck havoc on everyone else's fun. Yes, Bruce's comments may have gone overboard a bit, but to nail the whole band over it? To endanger the audience over it? What if some nuts in the audience had decided to riot? She should be apologizing to us. But, I'm not holding my breath. I'm glad this year's Ozzfest looks like a bust... I thought I heard that Slayer declined to be part of it... Good for them.
Keyser Soze said:
I heard that she and Ozzy were on Howard Stern's show and mentioned that she hired some kids from her charity to wreck havoc on everyone else's fun. Yes, Bruce's comments may have gone overboard a bit, but to nail the whole band over it? To endanger the audience over it? What if some nuts in the audience had decided to riot? She should be apologizing to us. But, I'm not holding my breath. I'm glad this year's Ozzfest looks like a bust... I thought I heard that Slayer declined to be part of it... Good for them.

In a nutshell, Jackie! Hiring kids from her charity??? How classy of her. :u-huh:

EdDog was nice enough to made me a copy of the show since I was in Vegas and missed it and I still can't bring myself to listen to it yet. Eventually I will, but even now it just makes me too mad!

I've yet to hear actual recordings of Bruce's comments prior to the CA show. Funny how nothing has surfaced as of yet, at least that I know of. You would think that a person who would plan things out the way Sharon did would've recorded it (or had one of her minions do it) and sent it all over the world to try & justify her actions...

My karate instructor always says there's no need to punish people, in the end they punish themselves. I have a feeling that the karma dog has not yet begun to bite......:heh: