Brutal death metal with no lyrics about violence against women, rape, sexual deviance, and misogyny

what you describe is not a world I want to live in. But seriously it's slam if you don't like the lyrics dont look at them you can't and aren't meant to understand them if you can memorize all the lyrics to a slam album you're a better man than I because even when I memorize a song I have to really use my imagination most of the time
Yep, words are words. People who get offended by certain things go out of their way to be offended most times. That's just an opinion I've had over the years.
Exactly the point of brutal death metal is to be as offensive as possible in 3-5 minute intervals for 40- 60 minutes. Its all in good fun its pushing the bounds of free speech and people like you are why they do it people are waaaay to serious about dumb shit that doesn't even concern them