Brutal death metal with no lyrics about violence against women, rape, sexual deviance, and misogyny

I never said that. Do not strawman my argument or put words in my mouth.

All I am saying is that denying oneself great music simply because you disagree with the message, is a total pantywaist mentality. Slam and brutal death are a genre built on a foundation of violent, misogynist lyrics and by denying any band with those attributes, you are cheating yourself; simply because of a stuffed-shirt, illusory sense of moral superiority.

In short, you're listening to the wrooong genre if you do not want these attributes.

And frankly I don't care what responses you wanted. :lol:

Just wondering...if there was a Christian band who played brutal death metal, and you found out about their Christian lyrics, would you still listen to them or just want a musically identical band without the Christian themes?
(And no, I am not Christian, but the point still stands...)
I really don't care what the politics or ideologies of a band are, so long as those ideologies do not contradict the artistic foundations that genre was built upon.

As a result, I would subtract points from a Christian "black metal" band, solely because it's a genre built upon a foundation of anti-Christian sentiment as it is, which would result in a flawed piece of art that demonstrates misunderstanding of the genre.

That's pretty much one of the rare exceptions to the rule though; I don't have an inherent problem with Christianity in metal, as I'm not a baby that refuses to listen to anything that doesn't align with my set of morals and values. I mean... I listen to NSBM for fucks sake. So no, I wouldn't have even the slightest problem with a Christian death metal or doom metal band for example.

The art is paramount for me. And while it is your right to refuse to listen to bands that contradict your set of values, I will forever look down upon people that do so as weak and silly.
Can't say I am a brutal death metal expert or into as much as some dudes here, but I like Gorgasm and would recommend this stuff.

Corpsefucking Art-Splatter Deluxe,War of The Toilet Gear,Zombiefuck.
Vomit Remnants-Supreme Entity,Indefensible Vehemence.
Devourment-Molesting the Decapitated.
Houwitser-Rage Inside the Womb.
Torsofuck-Erotic Diarrhea Fantasy.
Sanatorium-Internal Womb Cannibalism.
Lividity `The Age of Clitoral Decay.
Severe Torture-Feasting on Blood.

Old School Brutal shit.

Baphomet-The Dead Shall Inherit.
Pyrexia-Sermon of Mockery.
Internal Bleeding-Voracious Contempt.
Torture Krypt-Rotted Remnants.
Morpheus Descends-Ritual of Infinity.
Deranged-Rated-X,Sculpture of the Dead.
Gorelust-Reign of Lunacy.


Insision-The Dead Live On,Beneath The Folds of Flesh,Revealed and Worshipped.
Lord Gore-Resickened.
If you like Inveracity, make sure to check out Suffocation ... which i'm shocked hasn't been mentioned up until now.

suffocation is awesome...but they're one of the most well known death metal bands in general...mainly i'm asking for bands I don't know about, everyone into death metal knows suffocation
I take it you follow along with the lyrics in the booklet.

I guess not everyone can keep the sand away from their vagina though so I'll bite

A mix of technical brutal and some slam just because.

Gravitational Distortion
Internal Suffering
Hour of Penance
Spawn of Possession

I suggest you just quit trying to bring political correctness to one of the least politically correct things in the world though. They're words on paper that you surely can't understand as the music plays.

I've been listening to brutal death metal for ten years. I've never hit my wife, never disemboweled anyone. You're also cheating yourself if you like the style and choose to stay away from stuff like Guttural Secrete and Devourment.

I certainly wasn't trying to insist that people who listen to it are bad people or sick. I'm just saying that I find the themes to be a turn-off more than anything, and was looking for bands that provide the same brutality without the misogyny/sexual deviance themes

anyways, thanks for the list. a few bands on your list I've checked out, good stuff! posts like the first half of your post are the replies I was looking for, not like the bulk of the replies I've gotten :(
Christian DM/Grind classic from Melbourne - huge lyric sheet (all about guts and gore and not hurting girls) - maybe up your alley

Another Christian Oz band that maybe up your alley
raw early 90's DM that might take a couple of spins

Another Oz DM band with not so girlkillrapesodomizzz spread sheet
and a fucking killer album with godly drums

there are countless examples of bands in the DM, grind scene that love girls just as much as Death, Carcass and me.
This threads title should be "Recommend me unbrutal death metal" which is almost as preposterous as unblack metal.

where does this place a band like disavowed, who are one of the (very few) brutal death metal bands without that lyrical content?
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