"Brutal" guitar tone mixtest

Cheers guys! If I may, I'd like to be coy and not say right away - I'd rather remove any bias to begin with. If you want to take guesses then feel free.
I'll say what it is after a few more comments :)
Thanks for the comments guys :)
The tone is coming from an Axe-FX Ultra running direct to my interface.
The guitar is my Dæmoness custom 7-string tuned to drop A. The pickup used is a Bare Knuckle Rebel Yell.

Shit man, you get such awesome tones with the axe, I'm still working on getting mine to sound that great, it tweak-mania here. Is there much post processing on the guitars? I don't have my axe with me right now, I should be getting it within the next week, I just moved so its on its way here, but fuuuuuck this is making me want it right now so bad haha! What amp model did you use, was it the 5150?
Oh also! Have you done the 10.0 update?
thats the niest god damn guitar iv ever seen

Thanks man :) Very happy with it, great sounding thing too!






Shit man, you get such awesome tones with the axe, I'm still working on getting mine to sound that great, it tweak-mania here. Is there much post processing on the guitars? I don't have my axe with me right now, I should be getting it within the next week, I just moved so its on its way here, but fuuuuuck this is making me want it right now so bad haha! What amp model did you use, was it the 5150?
Oh also! Have you done the 10.0 update?

Ah cheers dude! Not too much post eq no, just kinda standard high/low pass, boost around 2k and 5k, and cutting some mud out of the 200-300 region.
The patch uses both the "Das Metall" and "New Recto" sims, though the 5150 is my usual go-to. And yeah, on 10.02 firmware.
You gotta admit, the EVH5150 is a HUGE part of the equation. Originally from the top of this post I was starting to assume that sound was totally digital, no TUBES. In te same fashion, I can do alot of grinding tones like that thru my Mesa Dual Rectifier direct, no processors, just managing master and gain w/ a properly positioned mike and good mix down on any of my EMG guitars. But that was fat sound man. I liked it alot. Still, Im old school and I cant believe that there isnt anything a great tube head cant do if mic'd properly. Mesa and EVH especially! Hey how do you like that EVH? Havent rigged with one yet.