Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Would Wecamewithbrokenteeth be considered brutal/slam death metal?

I have a friend who's in a punk band that played a show with them.

About Soils of Fate...
I'll listen to them some more later on tonight when I get to my own computer.

And I meant ear-catching as in something that stands out as being exceptionally great music. What I heard was good, but wasn't something that I would have to buy the album for right away.
Grind is a style of punk you know. Metal has its roots in punk for some genres and for lots of bands. What's the problem?

Get any Vomit Remnants you can find.
They're a shitty scenegrind band which gets wannabe scenepunk kids to come to shows, so punk bands play shows with them because the crowd probably will enjoy their music. I think your brain is broken.
Grind is a style of punk you know. Metal has its roots in punk for some genres and for lots of bands. What's the problem?

Get any Vomit Remnants you can find.

looking around at a local independently owned record shop.

guy had some Vomit Remnants :rofl: he is a big fan of death metal and brutal stuff.

i got supreme vehemency
I do not think any legit punk band, with a legit punk sound would play with Wecamewithbrokenteeth. WCWBT has more in common with slam death metal, with the breakdowns and slams, than it does with hardcore(lets get this term right:Black Flag, Minor Threat, Rites Of Spring, Misfits, Bad Brains) and I am sure you know what grindcore sounds like and it sounds nothing like WCWBT. Therefor, I do not see why any punk band would play with them.

And after reading your post again, I totally reworded what you said. I guess you were right.