Brutal/Slam Death Metal

V5, I was wondering; do you think the new Human Mastication album is good to you?? I see that you reviewed it on the blog, and I've never heard anything from them before, but you made it sound awesome, though you said it's nothing new.
Yeah. Nick just wrote a good review for the re-recording/re-release of Carnivore Diprosopus' first album. Check it on the blog.

I'll be reviewing the new Gorevent soon.
The new album is fucking brutal, never listened to slam much before, but it's worth the wait, shoot, even buying...
Guttural Secrete - Reek of Pubescent Despoilment
Vulvectomy - Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation
Defeated Sanity - Psalms of the Moribund (I think you have this, if you don't... gogo)
Inveracity - Extermination of Millions