Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I think I will start trying to slowly collect more music, but limit myself to one album a month so as to not dwindle my savings down a whole lot. ..And Time Begins is surely near the top of my list atm. I listened to some stuff from Diminishing Between Worlds, that was pretty sweet too.
Prostitute Disfigurement is awesome, especially Left In Grisly Fashion. Any bands that remind you of them?

If you've been CLOSELY following the blog (like, really closely, I'm not sure anyone even knows about them because I don't even think we've even covered them YET :|) you'll be happy to know that the PREMIER slam sickness band from ISRAEL is back again...KNIFED!
Anyone here like Gathering Darkness from Spain? Does anyone have any good recommendations for cleanly produced, blasty brutal death in that vein?

First, yeah, GD is OK.

Skinless has pretty clean production, as well as Sanctification, Krisiun (Sort of brutal death, mostly death). Ask V5 or cookiecutter.