Brutal/Slam Death Metal

i primarily play in B (99%) so the tuning isn't the problem, it's just a bit challenging for me to write something out of the atropos spectrum though an atropos song that i just wrote (i feel it's our best so far) actually has quite a groovy, meshuggah/decapitated negation era rhythm underneath of a black metal melody so i guess its good that my writing is expanding

Really? I find it hard to write two songs in the same style tbh. In my power metal project with a friend every song is power metal but they all sound like they're by different bands in terms of riff structure and stuff. Although once we add a ridiculous layer of keyboards it should sound nice and generic.

But yeah, for my main project I can't keep myself focused on one style. Dunno why. It'd be cool if I could focus more, but I like being diverse. It makes me feel less uncreative and mediocre.
Really? I find it hard to write two songs in the same style tbh. In my power metal project with a friend every song is power metal but they all sound like they're by different bands in terms of riff structure and stuff. Although once we add a ridiculous layer of keyboards it should sound nice and generic.

But yeah, for my main project I can't keep myself focused on one style. Dunno why. It'd be cool if I could focus more, but I like being diverse. It makes me feel less uncreative and mediocre.

well, the songs aren't necessarily the same style, but they all can fit in the category of either Black/Death or Death metal though they all have a similar vibe to them

So Orchidectomy's album rules. I'll have a review up on Slam-Minded soon.

sweet, i'll be sure to check it out
I'm going to 10 years of Poppy Seed Grinder show next saturday. Lick my balls.
I know that's what I'm gonna do. But i really want to do the buy 6 get 2 or buy 9 get three. But four is satisfactory.

EDIT: Damn you cookie. I was just feeling satisfied at sevared.
I think I can get into slam death metal now. I listened to "The top 10 Slam Death Metal slams/riffs" on youtube featuring bands such as Soils of Fate, Vomit Remnant, Suffocation, Internal Bleedng, and Dying Fetus, and I generally liked it. I can certainly tolerate the extreme vocal styles now too.
I think I can get into slam death metal now. I listened to "The top 10 Slam Death Metal slams/riffs" on youtube featuring bands such as Soils of Fate, Vomit Remnant, Suffocation, Internal Bleedng, and Dying Fetus, and I generally liked it. I can certainly tolerate the extreme vocal styles now too.

I've never had a problem with the vocals or anything, I just never took the genre seriously until recently. I now realize how good slam is. I'm about to go on a little slam binge I believe.

I've always had the few slam albums I own and listened to them on occasion just cuz they're brutal. Now I appreciate it much more. Thanks slam thread! Lulz.
Hey... essential slam albums.
I need 'em.
I have Devourment, Wormed, and Abominable Putridity, and others.
I have the money for 2 or 3 albums... at least one of which will be slam/brutal death.
Give me a few I HAVE to have as a lover of slam death.

edit: I'm lookin' at you cookie and V5.
The new Human Mincer will be considered essential by slam death/brutal death canon in the next 5 years, guaranteed. It's that good. So is Abominable Putridity which you have.