Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Seriously, they're one of the best "out of nowhere" slam bands.

So the new Orchidectomy is epic as fuck. If you want your slam tight and interesting, with goregrind like frog-gutturals with loads of fast blasting, you're gonna want it. Ditto on the new Human Mincer. That's gonna be my album of the year probably. Ludicrously good in every way!
I had heard the name before on here, so i'm listening to Human Mincer - Degradation Paradox. its pretty good, the vocals are good, the production is great and a lot of the slams are fucking awesome. the only thing is that so far no songs have truely stuck out to me but its only my first listen.
No, seriously, Gortuary. More people need to listen to this band. OLDER Prostitute Disfigurement is kinda-br00tal but not really, the vocals are just piggy sounding. I like Deeds of Derangement but it's pretty melodic and typical overall. Their new shit is just gay wank tech death, good for one listen maybe, but forgettable overall.
listening to gortuary now, listening to the song splattered fecal matter... awesome intro sample :lol: sounds damn good

me and my friend (the one i did antichristian fuckfest with me) are starting up a slam/brutal death project called splattercunt... hopefully we can make some good material
^:lol: and i will openly let you make fun of me for that ha

i've written a brutal death song for my band atropos before and it turned out most excellent, i just am not quite sure how to incorporate the groove yet. it should be much groovier than antichristian fuckfest though :lol: at the time, i didn't listen to slam and wrote the music to the song "raping the holy" as a bit of a joke. none the less, hopefully i can come up with something decent
tbh antichristian fuckfest was a steaming pile of shit so I'm not optimistic. No offense.

As far as fucking up slam...if you have really downtuned distorted guitars it's hard not to slam. Probably the least technically demanding genre of metal, especially because it seems to be a legitimate artistic decision to play sloppily and out of time.
Atropos is pretty good, but acff was just obnoxious and silly. Which I guess was the point, but blackslam won't be a legit genre anytime soon.
I put a quasi-slam section in one of my songs, but I've never put my guitar below D standard so it's difficult to write slam, and I have a limited interest in doing so.
i primarily play in B (99%) so the tuning isn't the problem, it's just a bit challenging for me to write something out of the atropos spectrum though an atropos song that i just wrote (i feel it's our best so far) actually has quite a groovy, meshuggah/decapitated negation era rhythm underneath of a black metal melody so i guess its good that my writing is expanding