Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I'm finally downloading the Human Mincer. I'm hyped about it and it's "aaall because of you" V5! If it sucks I'll be dissappointed, if it doesn't, I'll buy it.
Make me think that Brutal death is good. If you can give me a rec that does the trick, you'll get a gore-soaked cookie.
Then you are gay. My condolences.

What specifically do you want from brutal death? Just saying "good brutal death" is kinda vague.
Abominable Putridity
Can hear some definite energy in the instrumentals. Might grow on me. You get a piece of a cookie.
Down From the Wound
Godammit, I can't find any stuff other than bad videos of live performances, and all I can hear from those are some downtuned power chords and too-loud drums. The vocals seemed somewhat better though.

Poppy Seed Grinder.
This is kind of what I was looking for. The vocals are less ridiculous and don't distract from the music as much, and the instruments sound good. Also, upon further listening, the vocals are kind of funny in a Mercyful Fate kind of way, instead of just being ridiculously bad. Although with you faggots that probably means the same thing. :p
Can hear some definite energy in the instrumentals. Might grow on me. You get a piece of a cookie.

Godammit, I can't find any stuff other than bad videos of live performances, and all I can hear from those are some downtuned power chords and too-loud drums. The vocals seemed somewhat better though.

This is kind of what I was looking for. The vocals are less ridiculous and don't distract from the music as much, and the instruments sound good. Also, upon further listening, the vocals are kind of funny in a Mercyful Fate kind of way, instead of just being ridiculously bad. Although with you faggots that probably means the same thing. :p

I enjoy the guttural vocals...
I'm pretty sure you can hear Down From the Wound on myspace... and if not definitely
I listened to their last one once but it was too heavy sounding for me. Like, too much of sound if you know what I mean. I might try it again but not now.