Brutal/Slam Death Metal

WAIF I would recommend Sevared or Comatose. Their CDs are 10 dollars and you get free ones if you a buy a bunch. The stuff in the bargain area of Comatose is often bad though, so I think just going for the regular CDs is the way to go.
yeah, I'll get some recs for the regular stuff but I enjoy the concept of buying maybe $30 worth of stuff based purely on an entertaining name or album cover. I run on the assumption that 1 out of 3 death metal albums is legitimately good; I have no problem paying $15 for one good death metal album and 2 really brutal obscure underground releases that suck but still make me feel kvlt.
I spent all my money on 60 cds that are hopefully in the mail right now. I need to save money for Kreator's new album (I wanna do the special pre-order shit) and Christmas, should get Christmas money and might be able to afford this recording thing I've been needing forever. Then it all goes towards a massive brutal haul, but it's gonna be a couple months.
Wow. Care to post a list of the albums you bought?

in the hauls thread.
it was a bulk buy. Check MA reviews for a bunch of the albums, looked good, and $70 for 60 is a good deal even if 55 of the cds are crap.
I'm one cd in and so far so good.
I turned on the most recent Inveracity album today after school for the bus ride home. HOLY SHIT. THIS IS MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT, AND I THOUGHT IT WAS DAMN GOOD.
I turned on the most recent Inveracity album today after school for the bus ride home. HOLY SHIT. THIS IS MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT, AND I THOUGHT IT WAS DAMN GOOD.

extermination of millions is a killer album