Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Jesus christ so I'm finally listening to that Jenovavirus shit and Jesus Christ. That's disturbing. I love it.
The sound range is so full. It's a wall of sound made not by overproduced guitars BUT by synthetic weirdings.
Just downloaded that Jenovavirus demo and I gotta say YEAH BOI THAT SHIT IS INSAYYYYNE!

Seriously, wanna hear that full-length sometime soon.

Little side note - what are the thoughts on Intestinal Alien Reflux? They're a guilty pleasure for me, if I analyse it in any way it seems shit, yet if I just let it flow it's so damn enjoyable.
I need to bulk buy some brutal death and slam at some point in the hopefully not too distant future when I have money. Perhaps after Christmas. Iirc Sevared Records, Brutal Bands, and Unique Leader are good? I want to buy the maximum number of albums at the lowest possible price. Quality really is less important because my taste isn't really developed to the point where I can really distinguish between good slam and bad slam all that well. Although as far as I can tell I don't like wigger slam.
$14 =/= cheap.
I'm talking really cheap. Like maybe $5.
EDIT: looks like Comatose music has a lot of cheap $5-$6 stuff in their bargains section. Dunno about quality, but for $5 I don't really care.
Killbot, Grindethic is a good label, but is probably not economical for people outside the UK.

WAIF I would recommend Sevared or Comatose. Their CDs are 10 dollars and you get free ones if you a buy a bunch. The stuff in the bargain area of Comatose is often bad though, so I think just going for the regular CDs is the way to go.
I like this Jenovavirus. The vocals are pretty cool with all their strangeness and the random snyth effects are great. One of the better slam bands I have heard.