Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Weekly bump to let everyone know that the new Human Mastication is currently in my laptop CD drive, and it's currently slamming the shit out of me. Hooooly fuck. These vocals need to be heard to be believed too. Some of the best "dry" gutturals ever. Also the drumming is legitimately awesome, excellent colorful cymbal work...slams are kind of weird and oddly constructed, and sound awesome; weirdly de-emphasized guitar though. Prepare to listen to LOTS of vocals and snare. And the middle of the second song has a Wormed-esque clean part for some reason. Essential so far. Review up soon...I have a lot of work to do on the blog.

Infinite Defilement review + Human Effluence review (same post; demos)
Human Mincer review
That's why I said maybe yay (yea? I just looked it up and it is "yea" in the context of "yea or nay")

I listened to the new Human Mastication album. Really good and I get the feeling it will be better as I listen to it more.