Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I got my haul from Comatose today. I didn't taken a attentive listen to Orchidectomy or Corporectomy, but from what I did hear was promising. The album art for Orchidectomy's "A Prelate's Attrition" is awesome. Good stuff. Well worthy of the $30.
I love their album art
Quick reviews of some pretty new brutal and/or slam releases:

Blasphemer: Good
Human Mastication: Awesome
Corporectomy EP: Decent
Orchidectomy: Good, strangely addictive for some reason, even though the riffs aren't THAT memorable
Dysentery: Pretty decent
I've listened to the new Orchidectomy quite a bit (was in the rotation in my car CD changer for a while), and I find it to be just good, not great. Somehow I find that the raw production doesn't really fit the brutal/slam death style all that well.
I think it fits that album perfectly. The raw production doesn't fit some bands, and others, like Orchidectomy, it does wonders for imo. The production is half the reason I enjoy the album so much.
Anyone want to throw a few albums out there to someone who wants to get his feet wet in the genre?

I've listened to Wormed and Devourment and a few others I'm sure...but not much else.

*I also know its a minor thing... but super violent over the top lyrics about rape (seriously though most death metal is okay) and whatever are a bit of a turn off for me because my computer and mp3 player are both around the family... especially the computer. I say this because I'm pretty sure this is a genre it exists in quite a bit*
You can't understand pretty much any brutal death metal lyrics, tbh. Especially Devourment circa Molesting The Decapitated/1.3.8, in which Rosas and Knupp both sound like they're just gargling gasoline and eating glass and turning those sounds into vocals.
I'm fully aware... but the songs and cds still have titles and cover art work. =P

Please forgive my failing at wording things.
Oh, you said lyrics though. Yeah true. I'd suggest buying the Unmatched Brutality re-release of 1.3.8 by Devourment as there is pretty much no gore.