Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Updated Release Dates:
Vomitous - Surgical Abominations Of Disfigurment mCD (October 31, 2009)
Gorevent - Worship Paganism (October 2009)
Embryonic Depravity - Constrained By The Miscarriage Of Conquest (October 2009)
Septycal Gorge - Erase The Insignificant (October 2009)
Jasad - Annihilate The Enemy (Re-Mastered w/ 3 New Songs) (October 2009)
Lividity - To Desecrate And Defile (October 2009)
Artery Eruption - Driving My Fist Through Her Chest (Fall 2009)
Hideous Deformity - Defoulment Of Human Purity (Late 2009)
Defeated Sanity - Chapters Of Repugnance (Late 2009)
Vulvectomy - T.B.A. (Early 2010)
Colonize The Rotting - T.B.A. mCD (Early 2010)
Disentomb - T.B.A. (Early 2010)
Short Bus Pile Up - Repulsive Display Of Human Upholstery (Mid 2010)
Gortuary - Awakening Pestilent Beings (Mid 2010)
Viral Load - Deliverance mCD (2010)
Condemned - Realms Of The Ungodly (Writing/Recording)
Abominable Putridity (Writing)
Guttural Secrete (Writing)
Malodorous - The Carrion Recoil (Writing)
Vomitous - Surgical Abominations Of Disfigurment mCD (October 31, 2009)
Gorevent - Worship Paganism (October 2009)
Embryonic Depravity - Constrained By The Miscarriage Of Conquest (October 2009)
Septycal Gorge - Erase The Insignificant (October 2009)

Jasad - Annihilate The Enemy (Re-Mastered w/ 3 New Songs) (October 2009)
Lividity - To Desecrate And Defile (October 2009)
Artery Eruption - Driving My Fist Through Her Chest (Fall 2009)
Hideous Deformity - Defoulment Of Human Purity (Late 2009)
Defeated Sanity - Chapters Of Repugnance (Late 2009)
Vulvectomy - T.B.A. (Early 2010)

Colonize The Rotting - T.B.A. mCD (Early 2010)
Disentomb - T.B.A. (Early 2010)
Short Bus Pile Up - Repulsive Display Of Human Upholstery (Mid 2010)
Gortuary - Awakening Pestilent Beings (Mid 2010)
Viral Load - Deliverance mCD (2010)
Condemned - Realms Of The Ungodly (Writing/Recording)
Abominable Putridity (Writing)
Guttural Secrete (Writing)
Malodorous - The Carrion Recoil (Writing)

Really looking forward to bolded stuff.
That fucking rules! Stupid production is great in slam...Gorepoflesh's production is "stupid" but fucking perfect. It's so heavy and dense yet audible and a little perverted.
That fucking rules! Stupid production is great in slam...Gorepoflesh's production is "stupid" but fucking perfect. It's so heavy and dense yet audible and a little perverted.

Exactly. I have even written a review in czech and I also used the word "perverted" because it fucking is!
Also, it is perfectly "clear" yet decidedly working with the perverted sound to create something unique. It's excellent, wish everyone could realize this. It's a great example of how production can change my opinion on something totally, versus a hypothetical other production that would suit more people's tastes.
Okay, I listened to Gorepoflesh finally. And let me explain something to you fags...

Remember how Awaiting The Autopsy is my fag finder? Fuck them. Now Gorepoflesh is. That was the most unique, disturbing, heavy fucking thing I've heard in a LONG time. If you bitch about the production, it's because you are ignorant. There is a level of FUCK YES that shouldn't be bitched about. This is that level of FUCK YES. FUCK YOU.

End rant.

EDIT: Fuck. This shit kills. Since there's no Vulvectomy, I can assure that the top 5 will be Devourment, Pus Vomit, Gorepoflesh, Awaiting The Autopsy, and Pathology. And I might actually enjoy this more than Pus Vomit. Ugh@anyone disliking this. Horrible people.
You know, I get more guys saying that than women. WHICH IS STILL LESS DISTURBING THAN FINDING A FAULT WITH THIS ALBUM. Goatse are the visual equivalent of the bass raping your skull with violent-but almost sensual-rage.