Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Heh, plus the coverart is horrible, isn't the vagina placed like a little bit too high? I mean, it's supposed to be between legs right, this one's almost on stomach or something.
Yeah, whatever, I won't be looking into that! Good news kinda though:

"Info everybody...... Goretrade´s forthcoming album "Mistaken Conception" will be released in the first months of 2010,and not in 2009 as we fist anounced. we apologize with all of you that are specting the new album,we promise that it will be brutal as fuck and charged with a lot of new stuffs, that we´re sure you´ll be happy to heard. thaks a lot for the support and keep in touch."

from Goretrade on!
I'll check out Suppuration soon for sure.

Goretrade is definitely exciting new, except for the pushed back date.

I also checked out Perverse Dependence. Not bad at all. Not top 10 worthy, but still a damn good release.

Artist: Amputated
Album: Wading Through Rancid Offal
Year: 2009
Genre: Grindcore/Brutal Death Metal
Country: United Kingdom (Bristol)

Label: Sevared Records


1. Slam Pig
2. Dripping Ovipositor
3. Psycho-Doctrinal Lobotomization
4. Projectile Beer Vomit
5. Repugnant Genital Deformity
6. Uterus Swollen with Festering Putrescence
7. Cunt Like a Sewer
8. Wading Through Rancid Offal
9. Regenerate the Carnifex
something please... come out....

I've been listening to deathcore albums I havent heard as a replacement... I enjoyed an Arsonists Get All the Girls full length... save me. :cry:
I know right?! I check multiple times a day for something to leak and end up disappointed every time.

The album I want the most right now is the new Dark Funeral, followed by the Embryonic Depravity full length.

Artery Eruption & Septycal Gorge hopefully leaking soon as well.
i just finished listening to the amputated cd. it is pretty awesome. it has a couple deathcore-ish moments but it still kicks ass.
I don't really feel the need to bother. Then again I haven't been into slam (or, music, really) at all in the past half a month and this is to blame for me not caring about S-M.