Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Wow cephalic impurity are alot fucking better, I cant believe they wrote that fucking CD! its so fucking brutal, I still got a few more that came in the mail to listen to, but holy fucking shit it blew my mind. the ony two ones that sucked this year were vulvectomy and gorevent , though i slammed the new vulvectomy for a few weeks. other than that I thought this was a pretty good year, got to hear alot of new shit and new bands, who look promising.

edit: Hands down, after listening to this album multiple times to decipher it ... Cephalic Impurity released the best CD this year... un-fucking-believeable, haven't even listened to the other ones.
Yeah, I haven't even listened to the other CDs I got yet, I will today though. It's hard to believe they improved so much after their last CD. It's like they added a different kind of brutality to the CD you haven't to the CD without trying hard, it all flows perfectly. Unlike bands like dying fetus who make it sound worse.

I still have Gory Delivery, SBPU and the new Blasphemer to look forward to.
Gory Delivery and SBPU are good, so is Blasphemer, though it's only 5 songs, Its alot like their first album, without the spanish guitar intro/outros. Very satisfied, I thought just by he name that SBPU was going to be a joke.
New Cephalic Impurity is pretty mediocre. I can't see how anyone could see it as the best release this year. It doesn't even touch SBPU, let alone Cerebral Effussion or Defeated Sanity.
New Cephalic Impurity is pretty mediocre. I can't see how anyone could see it as the best release this year..

You're probably not listening to the right CD. SBPU was okay, they aren't the greatest but they are good. I didn't forget about the others. In my opinion it's the greatest BDM released I've heard this year, and usually I don't like very technical bands. Slow heavy shit like Cerebral Effusion was at first my favourite this year, with Defeated Sanity behind, because hey, it's Defeated Sanity.
No, I'm pretty sure I'm listening to the right cd. They attempted to add more cali influence to their playing, and made the production way too sterile, clean, and boring. Nothing really stands out riffwise either. SBPU was fun. Cerebral Effussion is great, and well, Chapters of Repugnance is probably in my top 5 of all time in BDM.
Got this in the mail the other day. It's pretty good, although I think I prefer the vocals and guitar sound on Goresoaked.. more. The vocals are easier to tolerate on this album for more people. I'd compare the vocal change to what Human Rejection did.

I found this by searching the album title... but is the name of the band really 7 H.Target?

How the fuck....