Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Hilarious. I dig it. Props to them for doing something cool to say how they really feel about it. I mean, a MONTH early it leaked...I'd be unhappy if I were them, too, even if to think that way might not be all that realistic.

This more or less.

I'm waiting to find out whose water mark was on the leak. A guy at a site I write for already screwed over promos from Clawhammer PR because of leaking Obsentiy's latest...if it comes back with that watermark i'm going to be a sad face.
Wah wah we were gonna make so much money off our brutal death metal album and now you ruined it. People who were gonna buy it are going to buy it, period.
Hate to say it, but Krow's 100% spot on. BDM is one of those genres where NO ONE buys albums simply because that's the method to own it. I would be fucking shocked if there is a single person even in this thread who was initially planning on buying an album but then didn't because they found it pirated.

We're not talking Kanye West here. People buy BDM albums out of support of the bands, not due to the inability to get them otherwise.
For the record, I pre-ordered both Malignancy's Eugenics and Pathology's The Time Of Great Purification. I'd rather support bands like this than bigger names - the the bottom line is that BDM is my favorite type of music along with Slam and other forms of DM, though I usually support bands the most by attending shows and buying shirts. ;)
Exactly. You're the kinda guy that buys albums like this. I buy albums that I can't get on MOG on occasion, and I hit up shows when I can. Piracy is, quite literally, a non-factor. I can nearly guarantee that Malignancy's album sales will not be any different, with the POSSIBLE exception of people downloading the album early, deciding it's not what they wanted, and then not buying it, whereas they were initially going to buy it blind.
Local band Gornography at the show I went to in Kansas City on September 1st. That's my buddy and I up in front of the vocalist :grin:

Dragging Entrails, newer band with members of Expurgate, Kraanium, and Condemned. Rough intrumental track, but great potential.

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Dragging Entrails, newer band with members of Expurgate, Kraanium, and Condemned. Rough intrumental track, but great potential.

Thanks for the head's up. This is my kind of shit! They have a demo out, actually, which includes that song from the video, (below):

Assuming that this hasn't been posted elsewhere in this thread:

Surgical Dissection from Russia, very wanky (But good!) technical brutal death.

Also, I realize this may not belong in this thread exactly, but:

Depths of Hatred, who are generally considered deathcore, sound pretty fucking brutal to me for a bunch of -core meatheads.
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Remember hearing about Mehisha, a band featuring Devourment members? Hear's a taste finally.
Few albums looking forward to:

Drenched - Through the Medium of Subjected Flesh

Euphoric Defilement - Ascending to the Worms

Orgiastic Rebirth - Corridors of Repugnant Suffering

Scalpel - Sorrow and Skin

Vulvectomy - Abusing Dismembered Beauties