Brutal/Slam Death Metal

More re: Omnihility. They are almost local, to me I guess - Eugene is about an hour or two drive from where I live. I just wanted to mention to keep in mind I'm not promoting these guys. Don't know them personally and am not affiliated whatsoever. I just think their music is great and they can really play. I'm looking forward to their debut album. I think this is a band that can do big things within the genre if they keep at it. I did buy one of their shirts to support them. Has this logo/design on it:

Here's the new Cytotoxin album cover and a preview:

Holy shit this sounds horrible. Sweepy bullshit, crap vocals and constant blasturbation... sounds almost exactly like Beneath the Massacre, who aren't good. Lifeless and sterile "tech death" with bad punctuated breakdowns is not good music, guys.
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Ehh, it's no worse than Cryptopsy or Pathology. Sure, it has the modern 'weak' sound and every song sounded damned similar but I didn't hate it as much as I do deathcore in general.
Just got back from band practise though so maybe my ears are fucked. :lol:
Holy shit this sounds horrible. Sweepy bullshit, crap vocals and constant blasturbation... sounds almost exactly like Beneath the Massacre, who aren't good. Lifeless and sterile "tech death" with bad punctuated breakdowns is not good music, guys.
Haha V5, I'm not disagreeing with ya. I like guitars and guitarists who play on the top strings, not on the bottom ones. More heavily palm-muted power chord progressions! I dislike the "sweepy" soloing and the "weedlie weedlies." Btw, the first time I read you use "weedlie weedlies" I literally laughed for 5 minutes. It's some funny ass shit. Reminded me of my friends and I making fun of things we didnt like in metal/core music some 15 years ago. Thanks for the laughs man. :lol:
Ehh, it's no worse than Cryptopsy or Pathology. Sure, it has the modern 'weak' sound and every song sounded damned similar but I didn't hate it as much as I do deathcore in general.
Just got back from band practise though so maybe my ears are fucked. :lol:

Please don't lump Pathology in with Cryptopsy and especially anything 'deathcore'. Surely you're thinking of a different band? Pathology rules - and sound nothing like Cryptopsy. I could understand Cryptopsy being labeled as such because of their 'core-ish' vocals, but Pathology? No, not. Nay. Negatory. Nigh. Nil. Nope.
Cryptopsy is a fucking great band guys one shitty album doesn't put a discography to the toilet...

Go listen to No So Vile and Whisper Supremacy and then we'll speak about your shitty band Cryotoxin and BTW Pathology is a good band but they are nowhere near Cryptopsy...
Found this little beauty tonight. 7 H. Target, some hi-quality live footage breaking off a few songs.

01. Transmutation Energy Machine
02. Technosex
03. Metal + Flesha favorite song or two.

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