Brutal/Slam Death Metal

oh this one's even more fun:
I'm eating... and when I scrolled and saw Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation coming... I flinched... but went back to eating.
BTW, we're all aware there's a Devourment album coming up pretty soon, right? The sumbitches did the tracking in two weeks. O_o
Actually I can separate BDM from slam with two bands I think personify the different sounds.

Brutal death:


Slam tends to be a little slower, "chunkier". Which I prefer tends to vary with mood. When I'm feeling straight-up murderous, it's BDM. When I want to bang my head so hard my nose bleeds, it's slam all the way.

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Epicardiectomy - Abhorrent Stench of Posthumous Gastrorectal Desecration (2012)


If you liked Kraanium's Post Coital Fixation you'll surely appreciate this one. A bit more raw production-wise but wall-to-wall slamming.
^I was literally JUST about to post that dammit!! I liked their previous material, ultra slammy. Vocals were a tad sub-par if I remember correctly, I hope they improved on that!
Epicardiectomy is like the epitome of wigger slam. I didn't know they had a full-length coming out.
Ugh. Wigger slam. I think there's like one band in that little niche that doesn't make me want to burn down all the low income housing in the Midwest.
I'll try the Epicardiectomy album but just because they're from Prague. I'm awaiting only trve wigger slammz for bros. SLAM TIL U CUM.

EDIT: I haven't heard any slam since ages actually.
I've been looking forward to checking this album out. Their split wasn't very good, but what I've heard of their full length is promising.

Definitely a polarizing band it seems though
Would that band be Soils of Fate?

Vomit the Soul, actually.

And Onder, slam is one of those genres that's either awesome or FUCKING PAINFUL. It's like, either a band totally gets it or they sound like they're recording with a Playskool microphone using a First Act guitar from Wal-Mart and a Spongebob drum set and only learned how to play simple chromatics on the drop-C string. I've never heard a slam album I only somewhat liked. It's always either in my faves list or I throw it away and cry in the shower.
I threw this together a couple nights ago and posted it in a few places. Thought I would post it here also. In the spirit of malice and for what it's worth...

Upcoming Albums:

Abhorration – Piercing the Dominion of Intransigent Extermination
Algetic - Sewer Dynasty
Atrocious Abnormality - Formed in Disgust
Avgrunn – Sync Protocols Forming Inhuman Results (2013)
Back Door to Asylum – Akathiski
Beheaded - Never to Dawn
Baphomet - Death in the Beginning
Brutus – Murwgebeukt (?)
Carnivore Diprosopus - Condemned by the Alliance
Carrioned - Echoes of Abomination (?)
Cerebral Incubation - Gonorrhea Nodule Mastication
Cystic Dysentery – Culture of Death
Decrepancy – Paralyzed Will
Deeds Of Flesh - Portals To Canaan
Devolved - Reprisal
Digested – Gorerecipes
Disgorge - And the Weak Shall Perish
Display of Decay – Display of Decay
Dragging Entrails - Landfill of the Butchered
Drenched - Through the Medium of Subjected Flesh
Edifice - Agony, Universal
Euphoric Defilement - Ascending to the Worms
Feticide – Human Sledgehammer Disassembly Line
Habitual Defilement - The Redemption of Past Supremacy
Extremely Rotten - Grotesque Acts of Humanity
Human Rejection – The Apocalypse of Hate (?)
Human Mastication - Driven to Kill
Hideous Rebirth - Partially Devoured
Horde Casket - Bloodfiends
Illdisposed - Sense the Darkness
Ingurgitating Oblivion - Enigmatic Symmetries
Goregonik - Spawned From the Pit
Gorepot - Fermenting the Chiba Seeds
Gutfed - The Reign of Pure Madness and Contagious Perversion
Jasad – Rebirth ov Jatisunda
Kastrated – Surge of Festering Spasticity (?)
Katalepsy – Autopsychosis
Malignancy – Eugenics
Meathook - Facing Deformity
Murder Worship - Macabre and Sick Acts
Necrotorture - Gore Solution
Orategod - With Love From Sinister
Orphalis - Human Individual Metamorphosis
Ossification – From the Suppurate Bowels of Innermost Earth
Phalloplasty – Necrophagic Funeral Ritual
Pathology - The Time of Great Purification
Pus Vomit - Stoned to Death
Pyrexia - Feast Of Iniquity (Dec 2012)
Rancid Flesh - Pathological Zombie Carnage
Sagrado – Mass Suffering of the Human Being
Sarcolytic - Throne of Disease
Sarcophagy - The Onset of Torture
Scent of Death - Of Martyrs's Agony and Hate
Sexual Atrocities - Planet of the Rapes
Sophicide - Perdition of the Sublime
Splattered Mermaids - Reforged In Gore
Torturous Inception - The Parable of Scorched Earth
Unfathomable Ruination – Misshapen Congenital Entropy
Urogenital Macrophage - Perversion and Sickness Destroy the Human Race

Other Bands with (possible) upcoming albums:

Vulvectomy, Devourment, Defeated Sanity, Guttural Secrete (?), Coprocephalic, Cognitive, Disentomb, Sick, Amputated Genitals, Abysmal Torment, Bloodtruth, Cephalic Impurity, Cephalitis By Torture, Cephalotripsy (?), Faith Must Pain, Goretrade, Guttural Slug, Resurrected, Scalpel, Amputated Genitals, Occision, Extermination Dismemberment, Eviscerated Entrails, Fetal Disgorge, Hostile Eyes, Kataplexy, Necromorphic Irruption, Perverse Dependence, Purefilth, Rott, Septycal Gorge, Suppuration (?), Severe Torture, Truculency, Viral Dystrophy, Vaginal Mutilation, Pathological Abomination, Twatrot, Limb From Limb, Intrauterine Worm, Intricated, Iniquitous Deeds, Devour the Fetus, Deflesh the Abducted, Deathqueen, Contorted Form, Chelation Intoxication, Amagortis (?), Down From the Wound, Inextricable Entrails (?), Deprecated (?), Degrade (?), Disemboweled Corpse (?), Cesspool of Vermin, Wormed
Heh, I copied that list last night from Facebook, IIRC. A lot of bands I'm looking forward too also that I wanted to keep track of. Helpful list. :)

Most anticipated for me:

Katalepsy – Autopsychosis
Pathology - The Time of Great Purification
Malignancy – Eugenics
Beheaded - Never To Dawn
Disgorge - And the Weak Shall Perish

Defeated Sanity, Pathological Abomination, Disentomb, Devourement, Abysmal Torment (have new album recorded already!), Severe Torture (?, 2012), Insision (?, 2012), ...


Bodysnatch (Split EP with Flesh Throne) :D
Pyrexia - Feast Of Iniquity (Dec 2012)