Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Got an email from Pathology today. They're releasing another new album in september. christ. :lol:

My first thought with the Engorgemet album cover was The Dark Prison Massacre's album for some reason. The colors and design just seemed similar, not sure why though. It was just what came to mind. And right on, new Pathology, fuck yeah lol
I miss malice and his informative posts. Where you at man? Made any new Brutal/Slam death metal upcoming releases lists lately? Your last one was top-notch and I followed it last year religiously. Your work was appreciated.
Dude whoa. These guys were infamous for their song in Rock Band 2, LOL.

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Yeah dude. The song "Visions" was in the top difficulty tier and drummers bitched about it nonstop because it's so outrageously difficult.

There are a few bands that have connections to Harmonix so they were given slots in the RB games. Abnormality, Breaking Wheel, Bang Camaro and some others. I want to say in some cases actual Harmonix employees were in the band (I -think- this is the case for either The Breaking Wheel or Megasus).
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Yeah dude. The song "Visions" was in the top difficulty tier and drummers bitched about it nonstop because it's so outrageously difficult.

There are a few bands that have connections to Harmonix so they were given slots in the RB games. Abnormality, Breaking Wheel, Bang Camaro and some others. I want to say in some cases actual Harmonix employees were in the band (I -think- this is the case for either The Breaking Wheel or Megasus).

Hmm, I never got into Rock Band, Guitar Hero or other games like it. It would kind of piss me off that so many people's knowledge of music is based off of games like that. I 'd wanna punch someone who'd say, "oh, I heard that song on Rock Band!" When to me, the song is well known within the musical community. But if they're featuring songs like this on games, more power to 'em. I'm glad to see the hard shit out there.
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Exactly. Credit where it's due. Lots of kids only run into music when it crosses their radar through something else. I know a bunch who only ran into various metal songs from games like Tony Hawk or Need for Speed or something, so it's hard to hate on 'em.

Brutal Death from Germany. Sounds pretty legit.
Didn't know Disastrous had a new one out 'til I saw it at CIM a few days ago. Also saw Gastrorrexis's recent release. I walked up and said, "Woah, I didn't know this was out yet!" Barrett was happy to tell me it just came out the previous day and was a far step above their last album.
You missed out man, 'twas a fuckin badass show. I'm gonna do a band-by band report on the Death Metal thread pretty soon if you want details. Massacre was my favorite band there, got to fuckin meet Terry Butler and Rick motherfucking Rozz.
Malignancy is releasing a new album called Eugenics. Always loved them, some really spastic technical shit, without being overly grindy, which I hate. Hope this lives up to its predecessors.
The new Pathology is going to rule. I'm excited to see them live tomorrow.

If you haven't heard this one, yet, check it out:

Deadly Remains - Severing Humanity (2012).