Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Another one man band that's pretty kick ass. Although, I wouldn't exactly consider him "brutal death"

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I like this Traumatomy and ordered it from Sevared.

I must say that I really like this rolling, deep, and wholly abstract vocal style.

Do you think the guy in Vulvectomy is better? From what I've heard (4 songs from two albums), he mainly sings the grid--- ie. sticks a syllable/growl squarely on each beat--- or sings in lockstep with the riff, which has been a bad metal tradition since the shitty verse singing in Black Sabbath's Iron Man. (And I say this as a longtime Sabbath fan.)

It seems most people like or don't like vocalist in death metal because of the quality of the growl (or gurgle or inhale or squeal), but to me, the phrasing is far more musically important.

In any case, thanks for another good post!

Yeah definitely, the Vulvectomy guy is much louder and more unique sounding, also completely different types of vox.
The hell? I swear I posted something about Bodysnatch last night! Anyway, some of my favorite vocals in BDM/Slam are on the album "Insights Of A Rotten Theatre" (2011).

It should be noted that they use two vocalists, at times. They're one of my favorite bands.
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Seems I overlooked that Cytotoxin album. I had a copy of the first one and wasn't thrilled. Radiphobia is sounding damn good.

Their first album was pretty meh and when I first tried listening to the newer album I figured it was another bullshit tech release, glad I really listened to the whole thing.
I'm pretty sure I was the first person to ever post about Cytotoxin! No one ever listened.....glad to see they're now getting some recognition on here.
I'm pretty sure I was the first person to ever post about Cytotoxin! No one ever listened.....glad to see they're now getting some recognition on here.

I haven't heard any type of responses to when I post about these 3 albums



I like Big End Bolt. Singer from Katalepsy also sings for them. I haven't heard Human Parasite yet but will later tonight. I've been meaning to but it's been hard to find. I've found it now. Not sure about the other one.
I like pretty much everything Deeds has done, I like certain albums for different reasons...

This isn't really the thread to discuss this but Darkthrone for 2013 BEST? You're crazy bro.
Not sure how many bands in any genre could create 9 & 14 minutes songs that are engaging throughout, but Darkthrone did on their newest, which is pretty much old school heavy metal.

To be clear, I'm a guy who travelled to Germany just to see Manilla Road play with Angel Witch and Razor and and I'm in a doomy epic metal band.
New Darkthrone is definitely awesome. Check out Dream Death's return if you haven't yet czar, it might be better than journey into mystery.