Brutal/Slam Death Metal

welcome back morguelord. i ordered that corprophemia album, which sounds good. thanks for posting.

malice--that excoriation sounds almost like last days of humanity--tons of pinging snare and abstract churning. not sure how a whole album of that sits. the delusional parasitosis sounds pretty good.

krow-- do you have a favorite cuff album? i have forced human sacrifice to the new gods of earth, which i like to some degree, though i find my attention wandering a bit before i reach the end.

favorites slam/bdm for 2014 thus far:
-vomitous, empires of great enslavement (riff by riff, my favorite this year, though an ep.)
-epicardiectomy, putreseminal morphodysplastic virulency (their best yet.)
-fermented masturbation, perverted slamicide (pretty much kraannim jr.)
-soils of fate, thin the herd
-decaying purity, malignant resurrection of the fallen souls
-maggot colony, perpetuating the viral infection
Czar, CUFFs earlier albums are pretty write-off able so if the latest doesnt do it for ya, they sadly arent for you.

Grabbed a few more releases
The new Septycal Gorge :kickass:
Paroxysmal Butchering
Annnd im getting the new Parasitic Ejaculation friday. Really fuckkin pumped for it.
Definitely going to be checking out that Delusional Parasitosis, also psyched about getting some new Parasitic Ejaculation. Keep the recommendations coming!

2014 favorites so far:
7H Target
Septycal Gorge
Aborted Fetus
Cerebral Effusion
Swine Overlord
Soils of Fate

… just writing all this makes me realize how much good shit has been released this year. Honorable mentions to Postcoital Ulceration and Fleshbomb as well. And I'm probably forgetting a few.

I've been trying to catch up with older stuff too, just got Carnal Disfigurement - Inhuman Devoured Content From Cranial Cavity and it is sick as hell.
This seems pretty good, gonna buy it i think.


This seems pretty good, gonna buy it i think.


Its good, but just standard stuff. Some cool riffs, consistent writing and overall vibe fits the feel of the artwork. Clear production, but I really don't like their guitar tone. Its a little weak and fuzzy in a bad way. Either they need better gear or the guitars weren't given enough time in post-recording.

The drummer is tight and on time, but his playing is very bland.
Finally listening to the latest Septycal Gorge. Its sick and twisted, dark, riff-tastic brutal death metal. I'll give it another spin or 2, but it may be top 3 this year for BDM/slam
Consume the Forsaken is my favorite actually. Matti Way's vocals tend to grate on my ears though. That dry piggy oinking bastard....

Currently devastating my brain with this:

Nothing has topped Cranial Impalement for me, still find myself going back to that more often than their newer stuff.

The more I listen to it, the more that Paroxysmal Butchering has grown on me. I was put off at first by some of the more standard "metal-isms" on there, but they actually integrate stuff like black metal-ish tremolo riffs and vocals into the BDM format in an interesting way. Usually stuff like that is a huge turn off for me, but I like Human Smasher more with each listen.

And I know their old and broken up, but holy shit Disconformity. Just got their demos, and the gutturals are ridiculous.
This seems pretty good, gonna buy it i think.

Krow. Thanks for posting the Extinctionist-- my favorite of the recent posts, and I ordered a copy.

After being so impressed with the new Vomituous EP, I got their previous one-- Surgical Ambominations..., which is also loaded with good, memorable hooks and recommended, albeit quite short.

Anybody know when the new Guttural Slug and Kraanium albums are coming out?