Brutal/Slam Death Metal

i listened to soils of fate or whatever and i really didn't like them as much as i thought i would considering what i read on here (it was good but not godly). i guess what does it for me is just the wall of sound production and slamming (the production wasn't heavy enough imo). i dig stuff like degrade, aborted, wormed, late skinless and that wall of sound just fucking destroys and screams brutality, but a lot of the bands with thinner production and tremlo riffs just don't strike me as that heavy. for example i saw disavowed someone said on here, the album is good and while it is heavy yeah, to me it just can't match the sheer power of degrade. if anyone agrees/has any suggestions for more bands like that i'd appreciate it, its hard sorting through legions of tremlopicking non slamming stuff just to find the few albums i like.
i know i worded that post horribly, the slamming is sick and the album is good but what really makes or breaks a lot of stuff for me is the wall of sound production in brutal death metal. degrade, strapping young lad (not bdm but that wall of sound) aborted etc is what does it for me and is what is lacking on a lot of the albums/bands i hear. i guess i was using that example in that its a good album and is sick yeah but it just doesn't hit me really hard like the new skinless does if that makes more sense.
I'm just wondering arround in the amazing world of Brutal (slam) death metal. Benighted hit me in the face with their last effort Icon. What a great album that is.
Further more I enjoy Degrade, a Sweden based death metal band, but really brutal!

yup, degraded and benighted both wreck

listen to benighted's older stuff if you haven't, particularly identisick
Identisick is only 2 years They have like 2-3 albums before it. They're also NOT brutal death metal so they are off topic here (just as Skinless etc are!)

Body: Anyone in or around the Boston area that can help us get a show for Saturday August 16 would be greatly fucken appreciated! We need this show set up with us, Malignancy and Sexcrement. Josh from Sexcrement is working on it as well so you can contact him through Sexcrement's page, or me on this page. Any help would be massively appreciated.

Hit me up if you can help out, thanks!
Mike "
Checking out some more brutal/slam stuff off Slam-minded.

Sufferatory is fucking ace. Defeated Sanity ain't really to my taste though. Loving Meathook and Goretrade. I love the stuff with a groove/breakdown/whatever to it.

EDIT: :lol: Just had one of those "Oh yeah" moments. Was listening to Decaying Purity and realised this was the same band that in CC's sig a while ago and I listened to and thought "That's shit. It's just noise. You can't even hear what the guys saying"