Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I almost thought you said BSDM haha...

I thought thet were, but still good death metal though.
I thought Aborted did dabble in BDM.

EDIT: Yeah, what CC said. It's that Skinless-esque zone.
I must admit I have a thing for newer Skinless and for Benighted, who are sort of in that zone as well, but yeah, for the most part, "middle of the road" is a fitting description on a number of levels...
It's really not that much different from Perceptive Deception aside from the production and increased technicality. Saying that it's horrible is quite an exaggeration.
I'm just wondering arround in the amazing world of Brutal (slam) death metal. Benighted hit me in the face with their last effort Icon. What a great album that is.
Further more I enjoy Degrade, a Sweden based death metal band, but really brutal!