Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Hm, I typically don't like a lot from this style, but I don't see anything inherently flawed with it. Just too many bands I've come across don't execute it properly; not a lot of internal variation.

Mummification, Mastabah, Nephasth and Cadaveryne are just a few that I like, off the top of my head. I generally prefer metal (of any sort) that has rhythmic variation. I don't mean complex polyrhythmic meters or anything like that, but there are few bands I listen to that generally stick to one speed throughout an entire song.
You don't like Devourment? A lot of the structures are oddly rife with stuff to study whether it's the patterning of the riffs with the rhythms or the chromatic slam's tonal characteristics (though on MTD, it often sounds like there's no tone at all).
Well I dislike Devourment for different reasons. They have always struck me as the brand of brutal death metal that borrows heavily from Suffocation without that much substance. In general I stay away from their style... it tends to irk me with its breakdowns and vocals. I know as a fan you probably get tired of criticism of breakdowns, but I legitimately don't care for them much, has nothing to do with any sort of bandwagon hatred or anything like that.
I hear nearly no Suffocation in Devourment, but both have been heavily influential to different styles of brutal death metal and I love both in different ways.
Well by Suffocation I suppose I meant to say the whole style of death/brutal death metal that the NY band popularized. They absolutely draw heavily from those realms of influence to my ears.
Devourment sound like a shitty DM band from NY called Repudilation more so than say Suffocation.
You know, I used to listen a lot of brutal death and more death metal-inflected goregrind when I was back in high school, although I haven't really come back around to checking it out again (except for Suffocation, who I listen to all the time) until recently when I got the Wormed rec. However, going through this thread and seeing Devourment mentioned so many times, I decided to throw on their 1.3.8 comp (which I've had for years, since I was 16 - 7 years ago!), and I have to say, I had forgotten how much I fucking loved Molesting the Decapitated. That's an incredible album; every breakdown is so earth-crushing and grooving, I don't see how anybody could not like it. I also like the American Disgorge alot (though I like the Mexican one too), and both Cranial Impalement and She Lay Gutted blew my fucking head off for months on end back in the day. Another band I thought was great was Sintury, who released one album, Disgorging the Dead, on Corpse Gristle (for those of you who remember that label) back in 1998. Furthermore, for as much shit as I see the label get, I used to listen to a lot of Unique Leader releases: Deeds of Flesh, Disavowed, and Pyaemia I thought were all exceptional bands. I also thought Lividity was great all those years ago, but I haven't listened to them in years and can't really say whether or not they still appeal to me.

I also want to mention that I saw Cock and Ball Torture (CBT) mentioned earlier in this thread, and I highly recommend their first two albums (Opus(sy) VI and Sadochismo) to all of you: both albums are like one big breakdown, with some blastbeats thrown in for good measure. Other great bands along those same lines are Mucupurulent (Sicko Baby), Gut (Odour of Torture) and Dead.
I love you currently.

And Nick and I and the rest of the MDF gang saw Dead live; they slayed.

Anyway, yeah. We rocked some CBT on the way to MDF also...good stuff; borderline hilarious, but fun as fuck. Rompeprop; same.

Devourment has hugely grown on me since Nick and I started Slam-Minded (which you should bookmark!)...I know almost everyone on 1.3.8 by heart by now.

A lot of the 2000-era UL catalog kills; Disavowed and Pyaemia albums of course are excellent. Interestingly, a few bands have been covering Pyaemia lately (Human Excoriation and Provocation, fyi), which is cool; good band to cover. Sugar Spiced Anus (which the former band covers) has one of the best opening riffs ever!

As for Caligorge (US Disgorge :p), I've grown to like Cranial Impalement more than SLG, due to the weaaaaak production of the latter. However, the vocal solo in the first song on SLG is among the sickest fucking things ever.
As for Caligorge (US Disgorge :p), I've grown to like Cranial Impalement more than SLG, due to the weaaaaak production of the latter. However, the vocal solo in the first song on SLG is among the sickest fucking things ever.

:kickass: And you know what the amazing thing is? You can actually understand what he's saying! God, I worshipped that album (SLG) back in the day; I thought it was the most depraved, crushing thing imaginable. I remember getting it in the mail when I was 16 and my father losing his head over the cover art. Ah, the good ol' days...

And she must, in this manner, be gguuuuutttteeeeeedd...
Fuck yeah d00d! Amazing records, both. And you know, speaking of goregrind/pornogrind, I may start a new thread with that as the subject, if that's acceptable to the mods. Mods, any reservations about such a thread?