Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Very deeply enjoying the Mexican Disgorge. It could use more screaming and more blast beats but it's still some of the best shit I've ever heard.

Also... what's the deal with Wormed? Are they really the heaviest band ever, like many people say?
Is slam death a subgenre or substyle of brutal death metal? Is all slam death necessarily brutal death metal? Are there any slam death bands that aren't BDM?
It is a substyle of brutal death metal focusing on a very particular type of instrumentation and rhythmic capacity (the slam riff). All slam death is brutal death metal (similar to how all squares are rectangles, but not vice-versa).
I don't know why Wormed are labelled the "heaviest DM band ever." They're definately not.

Don't get me wrong, though, I like me some Wormed.
They're heavy. But when I torque up the subwoofers, they don't shake my house around any more than other BDM groups. I just don't see a noticable difference between them and other heavy DM bands in terms of musical "weight." And of course plenty of doom bands have more crushing bass than any DM band.
They're heavy. But when I torque up the subwoofers, they don't shake my house around any more than other BDM groups. I just don't see a noticable difference between them and other heavy DM bands in terms of musical "weight." And of course plenty of doom bands have more crushing bass than any DM band.

So heaviness is just a matter of how loud and low you can play notes. I guess me sitting in my bedroom with my bass and turning the amp up to 10 is the heaviest thing in the universe then.
People here seem to have very different attitudes to what constitutes heaviness. A lot of people seem to tie it in with brutality, but for me heaviness is a crushing weighty feeling accompanying every part of a song, something that's absent from a lot of brutal death, which is more of a pulsing onslaught of sound (obviously not so much in the breakdowns and whatnot). That's why I find the heaviest metal to be something like The Abominable Iron Sloth, where every note hits you with crushing force as opposed to something like Wormed.
^ He just explained it better than I did.

And I like Wormed! I'm not attacking them at all. The "heaviest" label just seemed kinda odd and arbitrary to me.

And no, Noktorn, I'm not talking about volume... think it has a lot more to do with bass tbh