Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Suffocation sound way more like brutal death than Cryptopsy, and are certainly more consistent

Well assume I'm just talking about 'None So Vile'. I'm sure you interpret stuff like Internal Suffering as brutal death, and I personally see Cryptopsy as much closer to that style than Suffocation.
Suffocation is not the end all be all of brutal death metal. For me there is just an intangible line between brutal death metal and death metal and I just know when a band crosses it. Bands like Cryptopsy and Nile flirt with that line but never really cross it.
It's weird, though. The two albums that first established in my mind that there was a genre beyond plain old vanilla death metal were Pierced from Within and Whisper Supremacy.

I'll need to check out Decerebration, too.

All the Decaying Purity Pre Orders Are shipped!! Has been a hard work to send all in a brief period of time because there were a lot, but finaly all is finished!! We are so sorry for all this Fucking Delay that the release got, due the fucking press company that we never will work more with them!!
We know that some people still haven't recieve their pack, but all is sent and all people will recieve in days!! If take more time that neccessary please put in contact with us for check what happen!!
Thanx to everyone for understand and enjoy of this fucking great release!!
Suffocation is not the end all be all of brutal death metal. For me there is just an intangible line between brutal death metal and death metal and I just know when a band crosses it. Bands like Cryptopsy and Nile flirt with that line but never really cross it.

You see, Nile is a band that I never felt was 'brutal death' though a lot of people refer to it as such. I'd say a lot of it could be chalked up to looking at brutal death metal from the perspective of a straight death metal fan or a brutal death metaller. I'd personally say that there are two basic, distinct lines of brutal death: 'Heavier', grooving stuff encompassing the Suffocation sound and slam, and the more chaotic, ultra-fast style of bands like Cryptopsy or Internal Suffering, but I guess that's not really here nor there.

Saying that death/grind is another distinct sound just opens up a whole new can of genreworms, but it might clarify my thinking process: I don't think Cryptopsy is vanilla death metal, and I don't think they're death/grind, so they fall into the last category. But again, this is really just referring to 'None So Vile'; I'd say that 'Blasphemy Made Flesh' falls more into death/grind territory and that the later stuff is just 'technical extreme metal' without much death at all.

All the Decaying Purity Pre Orders Are shipped!! Has been a hard work to send all in a brief period of time because there were a lot, but finaly all is finished!! We are so sorry for all this Fucking Delay that the release got, due the fucking press company that we never will work more with them!!
We know that some people still haven't recieve their pack, but all is sent and all people will recieve in days!! If take more time that neccessary please put in contact with us for check what happen!!
Thanx to everyone for understand and enjoy of this fucking great release!!
This would be nice if I hadn't already moved out. Hopefully it comes in time for my friend in Toronto to pick it up. Otherwise it's going to be returned to sender and I'll be SOL

You see, Nile is a band that I never felt was 'brutal death' though a lot of people refer to it as such. I'd say a lot of it could be chalked up to looking at brutal death metal from the perspective of a straight death metal fan or a brutal death metaller. I'd personally say that there are two basic, distinct lines of brutal death: 'Heavier', grooving stuff encompassing the Suffocation sound and slam, and the more chaotic, ultra-fast style of bands like Cryptopsy or Internal Suffering, but I guess that's not really here nor there.

Saying that death/grind is another distinct sound just opens up a whole new can of genreworms, but it might clarify my thinking process: I don't think Cryptopsy is vanilla death metal, and I don't think they're death/grind, so they fall into the last category. But again, this is really just referring to 'None So Vile'; I'd say that 'Blasphemy Made Flesh' falls more into death/grind territory and that the later stuff is just 'technical extreme metal' without much death at all.
I can't really say you're wrong I just disagree.
Fuckin' wrong, that'd be Blasphemy Made Flesh. Anyone who claims otherwise is either gay or lying o_O

Totally revisionist perspective that's gotten popular lately, seriously, saying that 'None So Vile' isn't the DEFINITIVE Cryptopsy album is just silly.
None So Vile is their best album but Defenestration is probably my favorite song by them. Go fig.
You see, Nile is a band that I never felt was 'brutal death' though a lot of people refer to it as such. I'd say a lot of it could be chalked up to looking at brutal death metal from the perspective of a straight death metal fan or a brutal death metaller. I'd personally say that there are two basic, distinct lines of brutal death: 'Heavier', grooving stuff encompassing the Suffocation sound and slam, and the more chaotic, ultra-fast style of bands like Cryptopsy or Internal Suffering, but I guess that's not really here nor there.

Saying that death/grind is another distinct sound just opens up a whole new can of genreworms, but it might clarify my thinking process: I don't think Cryptopsy is vanilla death metal, and I don't think they're death/grind, so they fall into the last category. But again, this is really just referring to 'None So Vile'; I'd say that 'Blasphemy Made Flesh' falls more into death/grind territory and that the later stuff is just 'technical extreme metal' without much death at all.
Nile are brutal (though technical) death metal, in my opinion. They barely qualify. Cryptopsy are fast and chaotic, but they aren't as heavy, and I don't see them as brutal death. Bands like Hour of Penance take the Nile style of brutal death a step further. I personally find them far more brutal and heavier than a band like Soils of Fate. But that's just me. Slam death is brutal death, but not nearly all brutal death is slam death.
man i've been listening to a lot of bands in this genre recently because i like a lot of it, vomit remnants, devourment, degrade etc, but nothing comes even close to touching Wormed, the closest i've found was degrade. seriously i can't believe how ridiculously amazing Planisphaerium is. can someone recommend me a brutal/slam album that is this great? i don't even mean in the same style, i just mean one as all around great as that.

edit: i guess i should probably be more specific, i guess the thing that kinda ties them together at least for me is how they're really fast but have some more midpaced groove parts and also the production doesn't sound horrible, it sounds really heavy and clear while a lot of the bands i've been hearing just sound muddy and slow and don't realy have that clarity or aggression.
Phlegeton is too busy being a douchebag and being in 5 other bands or whatever. Luckily he does vocals for Human Mincer now whose new album should be out this year.
I figured I would post this here.

My friend (drummer) and I (guitar) recorded a short clip of a brutal death song the other day. Here's the clip:

I'm actually drumming during the slowest part, but the rest of the drums is my friend. Recorded in my home studio.

Let me know what you think of the sound and riffs. TBH I wrote this mainly to practice recording, and not for compositional value, but we may turn it into a full-fledged song one day.